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EN]eWorld News:Baltic wars and Poland-China Peace treaty agreement

37 Ziua 1,956, 10:38 Publicat în Poland Poland Analiză militară Analiză militară

Good evening Dear eWorld peoples. It,s time for yours-
Eworld News!,,, and what we have got for today:

1. Baltic wars.
2. Poland-China Peace treaty agreement.
3. Poland airstrike.

1.First let us stop by the events in the Northern

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Breaking News: China finally found Poland

20 Ziua 1,952, 12:17 Publicat în Poland Poland Analiză militară Analiză militară


Hi eWorld peoples.We all have been waiting when war between Poland and Russia will end. And when Poland finaly will find China. At the first look, there isn't much to think how shoud it end. Poland is top 2 power in … citește în continuare »

EN. Bulgaria, Russia , Poland and COT

78 Ziua 1,946, 04:02 Publicat în Poland Poland Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

First Vote &Sub

Hello dear readers. There is a lot of articles about this. Mostly of them in Russia or Bulgariapress. In Russia it is always crying that no one helping good enought to defend themself against bad Poland. In Bulgaria, that they

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Secret Polish-Russian War in Color

77 Ziua 1,937, 08:34 Publicat în Poland Poland Analiză militară Analiză militară

The Rusian-Polish war in color as it looks like from aside.

V+S 🙂

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Polish Civil Army Avatars art galery.

51 Ziua 1,928, 09:52 Publicat în Poland Poland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Hello dear readers. Today I want to show my very good friend Akviliutte for you! She is awesome artist and she create wonderfull avatars. Her avatars were created for the biggest Polish MU called Polish Civil Army. If you want to have your

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