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Ireland's Air Fart

1 Ziua 3,647, 15:22 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Flatulence now also comes in country form.

Basically and Air Fart is if you tell all your friends you will be flying soon for reasons. They fill your fuel tanks. And then when your on the runway :- your plane farts and returns to the hangar for

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Alternative takes on the game

6 Ziua 3,646, 01:57 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

This is more a discussion piece and I have a good idea of what would be in both "other " takes in the game. But for participation purposes here is 2 alternative versions of the game I thought might be interesting.

But I am not going to discuss

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Wam: Krakkens exclusive tips on WRM production - Part 1

9 Ziua 3,645, 03:03 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Primii pași în eRepublik Primii pași în eRepublik

Most of my major economic strides in this game I managed via WRM production.

So here are my tips for the young eTycoon.

1. Factors when chosing your Holding company

Remember :- holding company cost = number of holding

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Destroying Multies

10 Ziua 3,643, 00:52 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

eRepublik policy is this. They ban a multi account but he can create a new account and the new account wont be banned. So multi creators can always RETURN.

In other games being perma banned means you the person may never ever ever again create

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Tecktalk:Is a return to V1 economically feasible.

0 Ziua 3,642, 06:10 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Lets review what is needed to run an online version of V1.

1. A dedicated server that can handle the traffic and transactions of multiple players. Numbers mentioned is 100000 players.

2. Code

3. It people to fix technical issues


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