Ambient pornit/oprit

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My view of the New World

Hey, did i mention that...

10 Ziua 1,031, 11:55 Publicat în Greece Greece

I am sitting here in front of my pc, Thursday night after a tiring day and just a block away a fucking merry festivity is taking place. They play full blast, live, traditional Pontian music (which I hate). This is going on for 3 hours now and I

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Yeah baby.

19 Ziua 1,022, 14:49 Publicat în Greece Greece

Yeah baby, look at me. Still here after 2 years but I ain't quitting this game. I know I've been lazy and no so active, but during the summer I was mostly drunk and sleep deprived. I know some people and some people know me but Ι ain't part of no

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Wages (plus a tool... available only for a brief time)

14 Ziua 966, 02:43 Publicat în Greece Greece

Top 5 μισθοί ανά επάγγελμα:
Top 5 wages by profession:


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V2 24 hour day tool (new big update)

48 Ziua 960, 11:55 Publicat în Greece Greece

Shout it if you like it

Here is a big update, so let's call it V2 Tool.
- It is an xmls file🙁
- it is in English
- computes work booster
- computes library booster

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V1 is old history

17 Ziua 959, 01:26 Publicat în Greece Greece

Χθες ήταν μια μεγάλη μέρα (και νύχτα) για τα παιδιά στο Υπουργείο Άμυνας. Πολλαπλές μάχες και συνεχώς νέοι στόχοι τόσο μέσα στον τακτικό στρατό όσο και στους πολίτες , ασυνήθιστες τακτικές όπως kami για όλους και μοίρασμα όπλων στον γενικό πληθυσμό.

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