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Our nation is dieing

37 Ziua 906, 13:32 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia

It seems that more and more of eMalaysia's active and important player are either quitting, dieing, or disappearing. This is very sad since at one point eMalaysia was a somewhat "active" nation. With many good minds talking about ways to

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My third run for the Party President position of the DPP

9 Ziua 903, 09:26 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia

Hello again from me. I will once again be running for party president position of the DPP. There are some changes that I would like to make if I do get into office. Now do not worry I do not intend to change the name. Unless a name change is needed.

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The PTO party is running a candidate for the President position

4 Ziua 896, 13:16 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia

As many people now know and several others feared the PTO party, Cipelici, now has a candidate running for the office of President in eMalaysia.

The candidate for the position is borissajkas, some random rich guy from eSiberia. Who has been in

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I'm running for congress in Sabah in March

2 Ziua 852, 14:19 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia

As the title may suggest I am running for congress this month.

I have been in eMalaysia for a few months now and have helped to serve it's people. I have been elected to congress back in November. I have also lost one party president election,

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The re-introduction of the "healthy newbies" list

2 Ziua 850, 07:26 Publicat în Malaysia Malaysia

Now as some of you may or may not be aware in my campaign article I mentioned that whether I am elected or not I would like to reinitialize CDV's "healthy newbies" list.

Originally his idea to get the name's of all of the "newbies&

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