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Hello, anyone out there?

5 Ziua 3,087, 09:20 Publicat în Norway Norway Analiză militară Analiză militară

Me and the elgs, we feel pretty alone here in e-Norge.
No noises, no music, no nothing - seems we are the only ones left over here.
Which is sad, since this ressourcen-thingie is coming up, but the elgs and me will do what we can to look good when

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Dear "Daily Order"!

6 Ziua 3,080, 12:15 Publicat în Norway Norway Ordine de luptă Ordine de luptă

To be honest: I don´t like you.
And here is why:

1. You are not polite. No "would you be so kind" or "please", nope, all you can and do is order, order, order.

2. I am fed up with your orders. They do not look pretty.

3. And they are rude.

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Prince (RIP) in Norway

6 Ziua 3,075, 15:34 Publicat în Norway Norway Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

This is a sad day.
Since Prince played in Oslo a while ago, I thought you´d maybe like to watch a short impression from this concert, here it is:

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This is your official elk petting instructor speaking

24 Ziua 3,060, 15:43 Publicat în Norway Norway Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Hello Norway,

as you may have noticed, I was declared the (official!) elk petting instructor by our beloved Yanisin.

This has many advantages for you:

1. To teach the world the do´s and dont´s of elg petting is a very time consuming job.

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6 Ziua 2,979, 17:28 Publicat în Norway Norway Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

I am a little bored. Which is okay, since in real life we all live in very unsettling times, so beeing bored is kind of luxurious.
But a little less boredom would be nice.
Oh yes, of course there are missions I have to do.
But I do not like them.

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