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Thank you allies

7 Ziua 815, 14:41 Publicat în Romania Romania

During days 814-5, throughout the world, strategic moves have been done but also offensive moves from both alliances. Main fronts were again West Europe, South America and Central and West Asia, but I am going to focus on one only.

West Asia[/

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Thank you allies

14 Ziua 815, 14:40 Publicat în Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

During days 814-5, throughout the world, strategic moves have been done but also offensive moves from both alliances. Main fronts were again West Europe, South America and Central and West Asia, but I am going to focus on one only.

West Asia[/

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Thank you allies

1 Ziua 815, 14:39 Publicat în Norway Norway

During days 814-5, throughout the world, strategic moves have been done but also offensive moves from both alliances. Main fronts were again West Europe, South America and Central and West Asia, but I am going to focus on one only.

West Asia[/

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Thank you allies

8 Ziua 815, 14:38 Publicat în Finland Finland

During days 814-5, throughout the world, strategic moves have been done but also offensive moves from both alliances. Main fronts were again West Europe, South America and Central and West Asia, but I am going to focus on one only.

West Asia[/

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Thank you allies

17 Ziua 815, 14:36 Publicat în Croatia Croatia

During days 814-5, throughout the world, strategic moves have been done but also offensive moves from both alliances. Main fronts were again West Europe, South America and Central and West Asia, but I am going to focus on one only.

West Asia[/

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