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Hell Jumper is the newspaper of the a Former General, Former President and Former Diplomat, Alexander Valkor II (aka SVV). Bringing you news from the political side and bringing up domestic issues are its focus, with an occasional article or two directly at the military side of the game.

SVV For The Knesset! To Represent Beersheba South District!

12 Ziua 758, 19:42 Publicat în Israel Israel

Shalom my eIsraeli Brothers!

Today I announce my run for the Israeli Knesset to represent the Beersheba South District. I've toyed with the idea of running for the Knesset for some time now, not exactly sure if it's what I want to do or not. The

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I Have Returned

26 Ziua 752, 18:51 Publicat în Israel Israel

First off, let me explain why I went to the United Kingdom. The real reason I left is quite simple. Many of you may not know it, but I'm the Director of the Mossad. That's Israel's Intelligence Services Agency. As part of a joint operation with the

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My New Home: The United Kingdom

23 Ziua 748, 23:41 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

So today my journey with the United Kingdom begins. I have traveled from nation to nation, seeking to do what I can where I can yet I never would've guessed that the UK was going to be my next stop.

Starting out my eLife in the USA, I worked my

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As I Fade Away...

18 Ziua 746, 13:27 Publicat în Israel Israel

Today I come before you to make an announcement.

I am leaving eIsrael. Don't get me wrong. This has to do more with the "fun" I'm having, or not rather, here in eIsrael. I've had some good times and some bad. Although since I've been

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IDF Announcements and My Resignation

24 Ziua 736, 23:35 Publicat în Israel Israel

Politics and the Military

It has been a difficult last few days here in eIsrael. We have undergone treachery, political change, and a military vote of no confidence. All of this has not helped eIsrael grow, a goal of mine for some time now. … citește în continuare »