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The Entente

15 Ziua 770, 20:02 Publicat în Austria Austria

I was wondering whether Austria is an official member of the Entente yet. When will the voting in Congress end on the issue? Most members of Congress voted Yes. Maybe they are waiting until the New Year to make it official.

Whenever it is

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All I want for your vote!

10 Ziua 763, 06:58 Publicat în Austria Austria

On the 25th, I will be running for Congress again for the third time in Austria. I want to make Austria strong and move this country forward. … citește în continuare »

Dear Mr. President,

20 Ziua 756, 17:12 Publicat în Czech Republic Czech Republic


A welcome denied
In the previous article I posted, you posted a comment saying "You're not welcome here." Presumably because my views do not march lockstep with yours.

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Hello Czech Republic

9 Ziua 756, 10:50 Publicat în Czech Republic Czech Republic

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Defending the new training module.

4 Ziua 753, 08:44 Publicat în USA USA

The admins released a new module recently - a new training module which allows players to either increase their strength normally (0.04 a day) or increase the rate at which they increase their strength with a fee of gold.

Predictably, many

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