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Peace in eRepublik

5 Ziua 1,200, 06:53 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

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9 Ziua 1,196, 05:25 Publicat în Belgium Belgium


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Mittekemuis for congress

16 Ziua 1,190, 11:36 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

Greetings my dear fellow citizens of eBelgium.[/citește în continuare »

Body language

15 Ziua 1,188, 02:20 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

This is the first article of series about how we perceive things different in the new world. Today I ask myself how we can communicate without the presence of body language.

Body language: does it exists in the new world.

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Thank you Temujin94

14 Ziua 1,182, 23:25 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

[img]https://lh4.[/img] … citește în continuare »