Ambient pornit/oprit


0 Ziua 1,404, 05:42 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

Some people said that we dont have to reduce the vat tax,because we need that money...
And the problem is that we have few resources bonus...
BUT LOOK NOW!!We have more resources, +30% admin bonus and the salaries are the same an the price of

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6 Ziua 1,401, 13:04 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză militară Analiză militară

Some people said that our president Majester is not GOOD..
Some people said that our senate is PATHEIC!!!
BUT LOOK now...
We managed to free whole australia...
With the efforts of our president,of senate..
With the help of our

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Results of my POLL

5 Ziua 1,385, 09:34 Publicat în Australia Australia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Unfortunately,only 37% answered at my poll....
Next time i ll do better work...
Here are the results....

A) Who will you vote in this elections?
Mark Brennan 30%
Paul Hamon 5%
Majester 50%
DK/DA 15%

B ) Who do you think will win

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BABY BOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomMMMM..!! !

15 Ziua 1,380, 05:11 Publicat în Australia Australia Primii pași în eRepublik Primii pași în eRepublik

Dear e-Australians,i think we need a BaBy-BOOM
We should write an article and post it to Australian Forums..
We must do our Best to bring many new players.
PS: I dont know much about forums,so i hope H.Nelson or an other player will do that job..

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8 Ziua 1,378, 12:17 Publicat în Australia Australia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Hello my friends..
I want to announce that i want to start making a poll,about australian elections...
I choose 45 citizens,randomly ...
So i ll send you a couple of questionand i hope u will help me answering to me as soon as possible...

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