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Current state of the Economy

14 Ziua 1,536, 07:59 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

For anyone who's intereste😛

The reason that the economy is currently in the toilet - the admins either changed the programming for or completely deactivated the Buybot.

The Buybot was a device that the admins put into effect to compensate … citește în continuare »

Back into the Fray

6 Ziua 1,519, 07:15 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

I would like to announce my candidacy for Congress in Ireland.

Politics in Ireland are tough but extensive term Dail experience will help me work to benefit the people or our small but strong country. I take an active role in all congressional

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Use Your Nogin, Vote for IRELAND!

12 Ziua 1,019, 10:26 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Ireland needs help. The domestic economic situation is the worst I have seen it in over a year and a half of eRep. We need a serious leader that knows how the economy works and has the experience to pull us out of this desperate situation.

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Apples for an 11th

5 Ziua 976, 20:47 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Ireland needs direction. There are alot of changes happening in our country and we need well informed leaders to set our country on the right course. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead and hope you, my friends, agree that I am ready for

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Vote for Apples

7 Ziua 854, 08:43 Publicat în Ireland Ireland


I come to you today seeking reelection. I won't bore you with a Manifesto, merely list my intent. I can ensure you that I will work hard to bring Ireland out of its current economic depression, work for Ireland's success with the new

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