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Society, War, Politics & Record

Founded on Day 528, this is the oldest Gonzo newspaper in the New World.

A Presidential Suggestion for eRepublik Rising

16 Ziua 975, 21:41 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

On the 5th of every month, if every citizen voting for Country President was asked to rank the eligible candidates from one to five we'd see a sharp decline in, at the very least, successful PTO's.


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Introducing Biffco

3 Ziua 966, 00:58 Publicat în USA USA

The last of the great fictional corporations is now mine. Umbrella, Cyberdyne, Shinra, Union Aerospace Corporation, InGen, Omni Consumer Products, Dharma, Tricell, Weyland- … citește în continuare »

Prepare Thyself for the Ragequit Parade

29 Ziua 960, 11:38 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

I'm glad I wasn't around for the switch from beta to v1 because I would have likely quit myself, considering all of the emotional masturbation that surely went on a year and a half ago. People getting pissy about changes, people needing the

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Vote GLaDOS for Prime Minister

10 Ziua 957, 02:14 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Seriously, eRepublik Rising is about to launch. Vote for someone who knows what he's doing.

GLaDOS isn't just the [url=ște în continuare »

Congratulations America

27 Ziua 954, 21:38 Publicat în USA USA

You’ve lived up to your storied reputation and have found yourself a place in eternity.

After pulling off the greatest hack in the history of eRepublik … citește în continuare »