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Pianist - Joke of the day

1 Ziua 638, 01:22 Publicat în Australia Australia


So, this guy, Bill is sitting at the bar and pulls out this tiny little piano and a little guy about a foot tall. The little guy sits down and starts playing the piano quite beautifully.

The fellow on the next bar stool, Joe … citește în continuare »

More blonde jokes...

3 Ziua 636, 22:27 Publicat în Australia Australia

Please note that I have nothing personal against blondes... I just have a rather large collection of jokes on them. 🙂

Blonde at School

A blonde comes home from school and says to her mum, "We learned how to count up … citește în continuare »

Blonde Medical Terminology - funnies

2 Ziua 636, 04:15 Publicat în Australia Australia

Blonde medical terminology

Artery -- Study of paintings
Bacteria -- Back door of cafeteria
Barium -- What doctors do when treatment fails
Bowel -- Letter like A.E.I.O.U
Caesarean section -- District in Rome
Cat scan -- Searching for … citește în continuare »

Computers Versus Cars (funny)

13 Ziua 635, 10:03 Publicat în Australia Australia

I'm going to be posting some jokes that are lying about on my hard drive. I have quite a few, so if you love a laugh feel free to subscribe. 🙂

Computers v Cars

For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the … citește în continuare »

Chocolate Mousse

12 Ziua 613, 06:19 Publicat în Australia Australia

Chocolate Mousse


125g dark chocolate
4 eggs, separated
1 cup of cream
1 tablespoon kahlua, brandy, Tia Maria etc (optional)


Chop the chocolate and put into microwave for a minute or until melted. Cool … citește în continuare »