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eProteas SIGN UP NOW!!!!

4 Ziua 746, 03:20 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Its already time for the next season preparations.


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Thank you AGAIN eSA

2 Ziua 737, 06:58 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

I would just like the thank every person in Limpopo that voted for me. I have already donated the gold to the Reserve Bank, and will stay active as I always have. This month will be a very interesting month in congress. I cant wait to see what

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Grim season for eProteas

10 Ziua 735, 09:53 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

The eProtea's have not won a single match in the eCricket competition.

These are the current standings:



1. Convicts –8

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Remon777 for Limpopo Congress

2 Ziua 734, 01:39 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Good day ladies and gentlemen.

I will keep this short.

The IA has once again elected me to stand for congress in Limpopo.

My CV:

1x Congressmen

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eProteas off on bad start

5 Ziua 725, 14:17 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

So far we have played 2 matches... and lost both. One against Lodon, and the other against Australia.

The London

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