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Erwin Schauman - Vaalipuhe / Campaign Speech

19 Ziua 987, 13:24 Publicat în Finland Finland

(English translation down)

eSuomen kansalaiset,

Minut on asetettu ehdolle seuraaviin presidentivaaleihin vastoin tahtoani. Voiton mahdollisuudet Kammoa … citește în continuare »

[Open Letter] The Pied Piper and the Tune of Death

25 Ziua 977, 09:47 Publicat în Romania Romania

Many of you have probably heard the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin when you were younger.

The Disney version tells how the Piper was hired to clean the city of rats by playing … citește în continuare »

New Faction Arises! The Disciples Dream of Destiny!

30 Ziua 971, 11:01 Publicat în Finland Finland

Finland. A tiny, poor, resourceless nation in the forsaken part of the world, risen from the ashes of the Norwegian Empire in times immemorial. Home to the citește în continuare »

V2 - Vengeance Weapon Against the Elites?

34 Ziua 961, 08:10 Publicat în Finland Finland

Despite the torrent of articles published recently that either hail V2 or curse it to the lowest levels of Hell, I still felt inclined to write about few things that caught citește în continuare »

The Great Purge, Glorious Failure Style!!

17 Ziua 954, 02:24 Publicat în USA USA

Today (or last night depending where you live) massive rioting ensued as the citizen moderator Necrosis, better known among the older users as Glorious Failure, citește în continuare »