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No Manifesto, No Platform

9 Ziua 882, 16:19 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Hello all. Another month has gone by, and it is time to post my candidacy for congress again.

I have no manifesto. I have no platform. I have no kitten pictures. No babes in bikinis.

I also have no bullsh!t. You (some of you anyway) have

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In congress this week

2 Ziua 881, 15:56 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

We've had a busy week - not many votes, but busy nonetheless.

I voted "yes" for an MPP with Romania.
and I voted "yes" to send BRL to RBSA.

Hopefully with our regions back, the tax revenue will start to roll in.


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MoInfo: Congratulations to the New Party Presidents

1 Ziua 878, 07:04 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

The April Party President elections have just concluded, and the MoInfo would like to congratulate the winners:

Freedom Alliance: Cyber Witch
New Africa: [url=http://www.erepublik.

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Reprint from Ministry of Security - Party President elections

0 Ziua 877, 05:28 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

To all loyal citizens of eSouth Africa

As expected, we currently have another take-over attempt on our political parties. In order to uphold democracy, I will not prescribe to you who to vote for, however, I will give you the names of people

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My latest congress votes

2 Ziua 875, 11:38 Publicat în South Africa South Africa

Hello faithful reader (and you know who you are!):
Been kind of a slow week in congress.
I voted for the DoW on Argentina, had a nice battle or two.
The recent losses of Western Australia and KZN hurt us a bit, but we'll adjust and recover.

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