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Lottery Winner!

2 Ziua 1,597, 16:39 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

Congrats to our first lottery winner, magpie17 with the number 44! (Screenshot below for those of you whiners) I was really surprised I got more than like 2 particpants so I've decided I will be doing this again in a few days since I seem to have no

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19 Ziua 1,594, 12:04 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

Yes I'm going to give away some random stuff because I'm bored, it's fun, and I have no use for it 😛 And before someone says it, no it's not an April fools joke if you think it is please kindly leave.

Simply post below with a number 1-50 and I'

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eRep International!

1 Ziua 1,588, 14:32 Publicat în Australia Australia Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

So me and a few friends have decided to give opening a bank a go and are now welcoming new accounts! Want to take out a loan, make interest on your money, or put your gold somewhere to grow?

We offer a wide variety of loans, accounts and programs

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Irule777 for Congress!

0 Ziua 1,583, 15:53 Publicat în Australia Australia Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Hello, my name's irule777 and I'm running for Australian congress (senate) in Tasmania. I've played erepublik for a long time and have become better and better at every element in it over … citește în continuare »

Irule777 For Congress in Manitoba!

2 Ziua 1,492, 12:30 Publicat în Canada Canada Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Hello people of eCanada! I am irule777 and I am back this term to run for congress in Manitoba again! For my term i would like to promise activity, and my personal best to help you the … citește în continuare »