XIII: The Next Episode

Day 1,529, 09:21 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

ACCOMPANYING MUSIC: http://youtu.be/QZXc39hT8t4

Greetings and Salutations, America:

Potheads, Hempfarmers, Freeloaders, friends; yesterday was Congress elections day across the New World. Ten days after the cultivation of the US Marijuana Party, we are now represented in Congress. I am proud to say that seven party candidates were elected to serve yesterday. Here is a list of the POTHEAD DELEGATION;

1. Agamenon92 - Indiana
2. Chickensguys - Maryland
3. Serendipitous - North Carolina
4. Penegrin - Oklahoma
5. UGX xConTroLx - Oregon
6. yioryos - Utah
7. Deershark - Wisconsin

In addition, our party sponsored two Sixth-Party Candidates that were elected;
1. koo Guy - Alabama (Revolutionary Party)
2. Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard - Louisiana (Revolutionary Party)

Now that's kush.

This is an awesome first showing. Thank you to all involved, including the following;

Kara Beth

Without the hard work of these individuals, we would not have gotten such a strong showing. Thank you to each of them and thank you to everyone who voted to GROW FREEDOM!!!

With Congress elections out of the way for a month, it is time to turn our attention to other things, including the party's nomination for President of the United States, or POTUS, for short.

The US Marijuana Party will be using its forum for the vote to nominate a candidate for POTUS. What does this mean? It means that if you aren't registered at the forums and masked accordingly, you will be unable to participate in deciding which candidate the party will back to be POTUS.

So make sure you are registered and masked as a "POTHEAD" on the forum. You can find them at www.eUSMJ.com.

Another goal of the US Marijuana Party is helping everyone who needs it. That is why we continue to help feed America with the OPERATION:MUNCHIES program.

Just add me as a friend and when you see me shout:
DO YOU HAVE THE MUNCHIES? Join #USMJ and post "I've got the munchies"
Join the chat and I will hit you up with some food.

Picture😛 youngHOOD (driving) and I brainstorming

And with the painstaking process of preparing for a possible PTO on top of the already busy time of getting our party ready for its first Congressional elections now behind us, we can now focus on recruiting and mentoring members.

I want to start a team of players that want to reach out to new Americans and help them out and invite them to join the party. These recruiters will be actively seeking the new and non-affiliated Americans and introducing them to the US Marijuana Party Mentor Program as well as providing help, guidance, and friendship. The end goal is to have a new member in the party in game and registered on the forums.

If you are interested in being a being an official USMJ MIDDLEMAN (Recruiter) and hit the streets, or if you think you have what it takes to be an official USMJ DOPE DEALER (Mentor),please let youngHOOD know.

After failing to PTO the USA, thanks to people like MollyEmma, PigInZen, and others; Pizza the Hut II is no more. As reported here, former SFP Party President Uhriventis got the terrorist leader banned.

Uhriventis released a pastebin of the IRC log he used to report Pizza for multi use - YET AGAIN!

But have no fear, America... the laughs are not gone. He is simply Pizza the Hut III.

Join the US Marijuana Party for a different party experience. We believe in helping one another and teaching and mentoring new players. We want to have fun in an active forum and chat room. We are creating a place where it is fun to chill while learn. We will run people for Congress and help our members succeed. Everyone deserves a choice; everyone is important; everyone should be respected.

So come give a try if you are interested in a fun time or looking to get active in a community of active players. Recruiting is underway and we welcome everyone aboard the Magical Mystery Tour. Whether you smoke pot or not, whether you are old or young, whether you know your shit or are as dumb as shit... you are welcome.

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie
Cultivator - US Marijuana Party

Click to visit USMJ on Facebook.

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