When Every Single Letter Matters

Day 3,528, 15:00 Published in Australia Australia by J Seemore

Hello my dear friends,

For many of us English is a second language and often we make random typo mistakes. But when admins make such mistakes they will always reflect to us in some way. In this article I will not present you a major problem, may be it is not a problem at all. One letter was replaced with another and money goes from your pocket to another foreigner.

There was a long update about the Holdings more than one year ago. In the very last sentence of this update, the last letter of last word is mistaken. Original text state😛

Q: Which country will get my work-tax?
A: Work tax for employees will remain the same for now, and will go to the citizenship country of the employeE.

Later, who knows when admins changed a single letter which completely invert the original statement.

Q: Which country will get my work-tax?
A: Work tax for employees will remain the same for now, and will go to the citizenship country of the employeR.

That is a huge WT and where do you think it will goes? While I worked several times daily for another foreign employer paying low tax I believed that WT goes to my country. Or might be also logical WT should goes to the country where the holding is located and where we apply for job. Good that I applied for a new job to find how wrong I was.

Initially I thought that it is a game bug because I know for sure what I've translated an year ago. You can find the original admin's text in these articles:

- eUK and the Holding Companies - or, Another Piece of My Heart....
- [MoHA] FAQ On The New Update
- Cambios en la economía/ Economy Changes (ESP/ENG)

Mistakes can often be made and the aforementioned case could be easily corrected if the new sentence was marked in different color or by placing a sign that was edited afterwards. The word was not corrected when the whole sense is twisted. I call that misleading, not correction.

May be admins are all on holiday because after 7 days they still don't bother to reply on my ticket.

In case that you reach this last paragraph and share the opinion that in contract/rules every single letter matters then please shout my article.

J Seemore