Wait... thats the eRep map?

Day 710, 13:06 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep,

The past days events have been quite interesting. Canada and America are complete.
This is something I've not experienced before. And now Australia as well. Propaganda in its best forms in newspapers, comments, and citizen ads cannot compare with the visual of a complete eUS and eCanada. And now Australia is complete too. Looking at the world map today makes this very visibly noticeable and Awesome.

Western Siberia went back to Russia, *finally* and it looks good on you Russia. Ain't it great to be fully intact? Last night the price PEACE paid for failing to tank in the last minutes of the Alaska battle was all the saved damage done in Western Australia instead.

After losing Western Siberia and Western Australia, Indonesia is now getting rid of five -count them FIVE Chinese regions. To me this is either Indo cutting loose future RW distractions, or tossing China a bone to make them less likely to bite the hand that steals food from them.

Borders Borders Borders.

I'm still novice in political and military matters. Chess I can understand, but cannot absorb the entire complexities. With our own boundaries complete we are at a point where relations are important. Allies are our bread and butter, they are the only reason we are where we are today. The eUS does not have the military might that we may think we do. Not to devalue our abilities but after a number of HUGE battles where we brought in allies with moving tickets, our sense of military prowess should be seen more as tactical and planning strength not as pure brute damage.

So yes, its my opinion that relations with everyone is important. Our allies and potential allies fall into this, so do the eNations we share borders with. Japan, and Mexico are two of these. People are still bitter with Mexico's part in Colombia visiting our native lands. I feel that some diplomatic footwork should be done to feel out the new Mexican Congress's and President's opinion on the matter before we seek retribution.

Side note:
Astra got her MM. Congratulations darlin! Is well deserved.
Aeros has a little bit to go. If you have already subscribed you can help him further by voting up his newest article that he published in eAustralia to help celebrate the resistance war victory.