vCP - Latest news and Gold draw result

Day 2,277, 06:17 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

G'day Aussies,

Well in case you 'orrible lot aren't aware there are elections on the 15th of February, these elections are for the President of the political parties that form the backbone of eAustralia. The Party President has an important role in this game and when (not if, but when) we do get our senate back then the PP's will chose the candidates they will send to the ballot box. Now at the minute eAustralia is under a PTO threat that has seen two out of our top five parties come under the power of a foreign PTO. You can play your part on the 15th...

How you ask? By voting. Each party in the top 6 has a candidate running that is a genuine eAustralian player and for the sake of the country please make sure you offer them your support. Some parties like the APP are currently safe with just one candidate who is a genuine player, however If a PTO candidate becomes President of a party at a time when we have a senate they will be able to nominate a Country President candidate as well as flood senate with fake accounts. And all senators have access to citizenship passes which mean s they can bring in outside influences.

So please if you have any questions or want to know who the genuine candidates are then post them below in the comments section or ask in your friends newsfeed. If you prefer then in our previous article we featured your new Cabinet and you could contact them for advice, the article with cabinet listings can be found HERE.

It's been a pleasure to see the eAustralian media so full recently and we hope it will continue. The current media features some brilliant articles including an interview with your current CP MickSkitz or you can read the latest from the big man himself. There is also a fantastic draw by the MoEE which you can participate in and features some generous prizes. There is a very urgent update by the Governments young player MU - ADF and of course if you are a new or young player you can find the latest news on the JDS that is there to help YOU.

An active community is the best way to help retain players and build Australia a better future so please keep voting up articles and keep an eye on official Government articles....however the real reason you are reading this is for the free gold draw we promised in the last article. The draw was made when the last article reached the 2 day limit of exposure and the result was that F0se7i was chosen by and the screenshot of the result can be viewed here. The 10 gold will be sent immediately and was privately donated by myself so rest assured Government coffers was not abused in any way, shape or form. Congratulations F0se7i and thank you all for taking part.

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Please subscribe to the Government Department Newspapers, Join the eAustralian Forums, and take a look at our National Library run by the Department of Human Services to aid our New Players.