Ten Reasons Why Russians Are Terrorists.

Day 446, 18:34 Published in Norway Russia by Smirnoff

Russians are terrorists. The way they behave in Norway is unacceptable.
Here are ten reasons why Russians are terrorists according to Romanians and Norwegians:

1. Russians are fighting to get their regions back. Only Terrorists fight for their Freedom.

2. After winning congress elections, Russians wanted ALL their regions back. In reality they deserve ONLY one useless peace of desert if they keep kissing Norwegian butts for several months. Only Terrorists want whole country back.

3. Russians do not have land. So they must move and settle on the moon. People without land are terrorists.

4. Russians are terrorists because they ran for Norway Congress. Russians do not have the right to run for Norwegian Congress, even though Norway has more Russian Regions than Norwegian Regions. Thus, it is very terroristic of Russians to run for Congress from regions like East Siberia, Kaliningrad, Urals, Leningrad, Far Eastern Region, etc.

5. Russians used "low political methods" to attack Norway. Russians have to use ethical way to fight against Norway. That is, Russia must physically declare war on Norway, even though Russia does not exist on the map.

4. Russians raised the taxes to 50%. Now our iron, wood, grain, and oil companies have to pay for using Russian Lands. Only Terrorists want financial reimbursement for lands that once belonged to them.

5. Russians raised minimum wage. Now Russian Terrorists are not letting Norwegian firms harass Russian lands anymore because companies cannot hire people at low wages. Only Terrorists prohibit others from harassing their lands.

6. Russians transfered money from Norway Treasury so that there is enough money to pay wages to Russian Congressmen so that regular Russian Terrorist does not lose his experience points and leave country.

7. Russians are Terrorists because they are angry at Norway for breaking the contract and letting Romania to go through Norway regions to get to Russia and conquer Russia. Breach of the contract from Norway side is Ok but being angry at Norway is Terroristic.

8. Russians are Terrorists because they have strong growing community. Their forum has over 60 Russians regularly while Norway Forum has never had over 20 Norwegians within one day. Only Terrorists can outgrow their occupants.

9. Russians did not ask for help of PEACE for Presidential Elections while Norway begged every single Atlantis country for help. Norway and Atlantis clearly had advantage over Russians. Only Terrorists fight one-on-one against their occupants.

10. Russians are Terrorists because ... well ... just because they are Russians.

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