Save eWorld economy vol.4

Day 1,652, 16:28 Published in USA Serbia by Hanibal LA

Day 1652

Dear eRepublikans,

last few week i was in 2xclick mode, but have closely followed the economic situation in the eWorld. IN some extent I wanted to see whether the situation will improve, but nothing of it. The reason is clear.

We can not change monetary policies, Admins have made a unique monetary market and that's it. They have their reasons and we can always complain but it is ineffective, and we running out of time ...

For some time im collecting the ideas of ​​"small" people and giving them to you, because I think it is worth knowing the things that can help us. so far i published 4 articles, including this one.

This time I'll bring the idea of another eSerbian player, Import Export LTD. He published an article, and Im bringing to you edited version of this article.

It is clear that one of the biggest polluter of our economy is weapon raw materials (WRM). Too mush WRM causing the fall in prices, which directly affects the price of final product, the and therefore the price of GOLD.

All the story boils down to how to eliminate excess WRM from the Market.

The price of a q4 WRM company is 8500cc and the repayment period is about 6 months. No wonder that so many young players quickly leave this game.

Also, an increasing number of older players leaving the game every day, irrevocably.

My question to all of you is who will play this game when older nad stronger players leave, and leave us ruined the market.

Another important fact is a great dmg that every country losing every day because strong players spend their health for work in the their WRM companies. Producing 12000 WRM corresponding to work in 34 factories, or 34 clicks ("food fights") who did not go into battle but in production.

Who have q5 and q6 weapon and food companies ? Of course, the older players with big capital, but also they have strengh over 5000-6000. Is their DMG lost in some important battles? Yes, working in their q4 WRM factories they use a minimum of 300 helt (and most of them twice) that could go into battle during the day.

The point: BALANCE. IF we fight, we will conquer territory and resources, raise production and consumption and develop all players equally. What is a pleasure to reach end of game as a major capitalist with 15000 strengh, which does not participate in battles (or by participating trough spennging gold on bars and by this way withdrawing gold from circulation, while others can not sell their products on the market). After this increase of prices of raw materials and products will come. Remember, this is not a bad thing because this will give us shortened payback period on investment. Just so we can keep enough players with the motive to continue playing.

Proposal: All owners with q5 and q6 final products Companies - dissolve your q4 WRM Companies. You have already paid off most. Excess currency briefly may invalidate currency (it can't be worse from current situation?), But remember that the point is in the period of return on investment. Work with CC whatever you want, buy the GOLD for next upgrades, buy some space in Storage, we can make a fund for investment in q4 WRM for younger players or anything else. So do yourself a favor. Allow players with low strengh and without factories to produce raw materials! During that time they will strengthen and contribute to this community, and you will deliver a higher DMG which you missing in many battles.

You will not loose much money if you buy WRM instead producing it. But trought this you will help eWordl economy to recover !!!

For Shout:

Save eWorld economy vol.4