Reelect Maxx Johnson in Alaska

Day 793, 13:09 Published in USA Greece by Maxx Johnson

Hello all!

This January 25th I will be running for my 3rd term to represent Alaska in Congress. I will again of course be running under the America's Advancement Party banner. In my two terms I have worked to improve activity and transparency in Congress. I have done this by regularly taking part in discussions before Congress and by posting a record of my votes to increase accountability and communication. I have also worked to improve the wellness of our citizens by focusing on citizen programs.

- 2 terms United States Congressman representing Alaska
- Current Interior Secretary of Citizen Affairs
- Domestic/Internal Committee Member
- America's Advancement Party Round Table Member
- United States Home Guard Delta Company 2nd Platoon Member

Citizen Affairs:
Citizen Affairs continues to be my primary focus. I currently serve as Interior Secretary of Citizen Affairs and also as a member of the Domestic and Internal Committee. In the last month I have implemented the Community Development Program, which is aimed at the proactive contact of new citizens to the country in an effort to give them better access to resources, and information needed during their first few days in the game. I have also worked to implement the Department of Interior Media Program. This program will work to maintain a top 5 article published by the DoI and will contain resources and basic information that is useful to new players of the game, as well as an educational focus to make a bit more in depth information available to them. If reelected I will continue to work to improve the retention efforts of our new citizens.

Like many, I am a believer in a large military. I will continue to work to ensure that the military receives the funding that it needs to continue normal operations and when possible expand their efforts. I am also a strong supporter of independent militias, and the Civil Defense program, and will work to support their efforts when possible.

Infrastructure has been a hot topic lately. I have supported in the past, and will continue to support the continued use of the fortress strategy. The eUS does in fact have retention issues, however, the issue lies well before our new players reach a level where having a hospital is a factor to them sticking around. I also believe that population alone does not warrant the need for a fortress. Instead, we should continue placing our fortresses based on strategic need, as we recently did with Karnataka, based on primarily on resources.

I am a firm believer of continuing the tax policy that we currently have in place. I feel that our tax structure allows for the government to maintain a healthy level of spending to support both our military, and domestic programs, while still allowing consumers to have a strong purchasing power.

Accountability and Communication:
Another goal of mine in Congress is to maintain an open flow of communication with the public, and to present each vote that I make for review. In my eyes, this helps to show both activity in Congress, and provides a level of accountability, as we must declare our votes and give a reason for our decision.

You can see my voting records here:

and the public ledger here.

On the 25th I hope that you will consider placing your vote for Maxx Johnson in Alaska.