Prime Minister's Address to the Nation

Day 482, 16:55 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck

Presidential elections are a week and a half past and I’m sure everyone is wondering what I have been up to in this short time. Today I will attempt to inform you all with a simple report of some of my actions as your Prime Minister. If you have any questions or seek clarification on some issues please post so in the comments section at the end of this article.

France-Canada War
As many citizens are aware Canada was recently involved in a battle against France and several of it’s allies. Our intentions were not to take the region as has already been explained several times by other officials so I will not go into detail here. The mission was successful in its objectives to pull pressure away from Romania, stimulate the Canadian economy, help the CAF and citizens gain experience, and maintain new citizen’s interest in erepublik by introducing them to war. Our nation’s top military experts agree, this mission was a success in those areas and more.

A new Budget, redesigned again and again by JT Vanguard, General Coda, Minister of Defense 1ronman and myself has been approved by congress. Many budgets were prepared and debated over the course of my first week and I was involved even before the election as General. A lot of work was put into this budget especially by JT Vanguard and Canada will reap the rewards of this major effort.

A new supply system has been implemented under the supervision of MoD 1ronman and is in the live testing phase. I will be closely monitoring this new system to help ensure supplies reach the CAF in a timely matter.

Military leadership
Though not a political change I think it is a fair show of my good judgment in mentioning my choice of replacement leadership to the CAF. General Coda has been doing a fantastic job leading the CAF and not a soul could say her influence has not been felt throughout the army. I would like to personally thank Coda on her fine work and tireless dedication now.

Increasing Supplies
Another important reason for the battle with France was testing our former supply system. This test showed our government that our current system was inadequate. As such the CAF has begun producing stockpiles of supplies for use by the army so that shortfalls are severely limited in the future. I will be working closely with our military personal to ensure exactly this happens.

Appointed New Supreme Court
As many involved members know the appointment of a new Supreme Court has been long overdue. However, I made finding interested member my first official duty upon ascending to my position. Now congress will be voting to approve the newly nominated Supreme Court and are expected to vote in favor of the proposed members ending the longstanding task that was to be accomplished under the Zanalan administration.

Placed Q5 Defense System
As was decided by congress under Mr. Zanalan a Q5 Defense System was to be placed in Ontario. Once more, one of my first acts as PM was the placement of this Defense System for the protection of Ontario and Canada as a whole. This was a simple task long overdue.

Q4 Hospital Debate
Until quite recently congress has been debating the placement of a Q4 hospital in Nova Scotia or to sell the hospital and use the funds to upgrade the facility to Q5. This debate has been raging since Mr. Zanalan’s first term as PM and two votes had already been taken without a final resolution to this issue. Because so few congressmen had voted in the last debate I made the decision, according to the Constitution of eCanada, to veto the past vote and call a revote. Congress has decided in a vote of 19 to 11 to sell the Q4 hospital and upgrade to a Q5 production facility. I have already been searching for a suitable buyer within our allies and hope to have results soon. A Q5 hospital will be prepared for placement in Ontario but will most likely not be completed until next term.

Foreign Affairs
I have personally been in contact with many foreign leaders, ambassadors and citizens from our allies and fellow members of ATLANTIS. MoFa Marchelala has been involved in establishing embassies in many nations we had not before held formal contact with as well as maintaining our current embassies around the world. Under my leadership eCanada is making it’s presence a constant reminder in the new world.

Government Transparency
During the short time I have been Prime Minister I have authorized two separate government press releases by minister of Communication Dominik and his Deputy Mr. Josh Taggart in an effort to keep eCanada informed with the goings on of it’s government. Furthermore this very article is proof of my personal commitment to this goal. As always, I believe a government should be committed to it’s people and if it cannot be so it does not deserve their respect.

Created plans for eCanada’s defense
Together with Cabinet and top military Officers I have created contingency plans for dealing with foreign invasion of Canadian soil. For obvious reasons I cannot go into details in this matter but rest assured that if eCanada were invaded tomorrow this government would spring into action to protect it’s citizenry and maintain our fair nation.

This is just a list of official issues that I have covered while unofficially I have been doing other smaller things to keep people involved and active including our new members and potential leaders. I have also made many world connections that are essential for a nation’s leader among many other things.

Now, I can’t promise I will get a report out every week but I hope this has been informative as well as interesting. I want everyone to know that even if the CSD says I have not followed through with my platform there is only so much I can do in a week and I think my actions speak louder than my words. Know that I have and will continue to work hard to being the progress we need to eCanada. I have never been more committed to this great nation and my resolve has never been stronger.

Thank you for your time
Your Prime Minister