Peace with Poland, Ukraine & Moldova, and an Announcement

Day 1,682, 06:46 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove


Sorry if you tried to contact me these last couple of days, I was at Summerfest 🙂

Poland NAP

Anyways, I have been looking for an article from the government in regards to Poland, but I have not found one. I feel like this is a big deal and deserves an article, but whatever. Well, apparently Israel Stevens made a deal with Poland and now we have a peace treaty, which means we now have peace with Spain and Poland.

Who does this favor and what does it mean for us? Well if you look at the battlefield, we had little trouble retaking Aquitane, something that tells me Poland agreed to surrender it in exchange for peace or just gave up on it to spend their resources elsewhere. Now I don't know the details of the NAP, it seems nobody outside of government does unfortunately, so I can only give my assumptions. But in my opinion, this deal favors Poland much more than it does USA. Basically, Poland now has no one to fear in Europe, as USA was one of the few strong nations bordering it, so Poland can now retain domination over Europe with ease. The only strong nation bordering Poland is Croatia and I don't think they'll fight anytime soon.

So what else does this mean? Well that means now we are limited in who we can NE, leaving us with the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Mexico. This also means in the event that Canada is NEd again by Spoland, we technically will only be able to support them through MPP, which is not as effective as fighting directly in NE.

So in effect, this throws Canada and our European allies in Europe under the bus, but it protects USA's butt.

What do you think about this deal with Poland? Is it clever, or is it cowardly?


There has been a huge war with Ukraine and Moldova with lots of trolling and insults. Basically it started off with a training war that went horribly wrong, and tensions rose, and now the two former friendly neighbors are at each others throats, with members of Eden split on taking sides. This is a big Eden issue and if it continues it will end to the loss of Ukraine or Moldova. I don't want to sound bias so I recommend you read up on this issue yourself and be well informed on it, here is a recent Moldovan article on it because if it continues we will eventually most likely need to take a side. Here is a Ukraine article on it.


ScymeX is American now.

An Announcement: Glove is Love

My reasons for running president are numerous. First, I don't like how our government handled the Brazil issue with Terra, we should of stood in solidarity with Brazil even if Terra HQ would not, I think this is something that may have prevented their departure or at least have had a significant impact. But instead our CP's mentality basically made the issue worse, as he basically said "lol what are they going to do, leave?" And they did. I think Terra has some serious problems and I don't want to leave it if I think it is fixable, but what I've seen is no attempt to fix anything, so we will see.

Second, I am not that impressed with our performance on the battlefield, we were on a losing streak for most of the month and not until recently (probably because of the NAP) have we been able to actually win a few regions. I saw no goals for the country, we basically just chilled. I also didn't see a lot of new players in the government, or at least to the extent that I had hoped for, as we were promised, something else I am disappointed in.

What I do like is the Tank Up program, but thats just basically Arm America on steroids, and I don't know if its really been helping that much to be honest, but I like the idea of using money to help our citizens rank up. I'm also disappointed with the coordination, Aquitane is a good example in where coordination was desperately needed but instead the government spent 390 gold and lost miserably. I don't blame them for spending the gold but we didn't have the allied support we needed so it was all in vain, we should of stressed the importance of to every single allied nation we had.

On a final note, thank you for taking the time to read this, if you have the time, go to SummerFest in Milwaukee, its awesome.

I hope you inform yourself on foreign affairs and war, and I would like to give a shoutout to the AMP for ending USWP's plurality in Congress. Bravo.

Glove is Love For President July 5th