Peace's Future: Getting Worse by the Minute

Day 715, 15:41 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Could the end be near for Peace?

Of course, and their actions as an alliance will come back to haunt them.


It’s what the strong countries do to the weak.
It’s what Atlantis did to Peace.
It’s what Peace did to Eden/Brolliance
And it’s what Eden/Brolliance will do right back

A very long time ago, Peace was created to counter the Atlantis threat, claiming that it was purely a defensive alliance.

They stayed fairly true to that…until they were more powerful than Atlantis. The formerly defensive alliance quickly became aggressive, attempting to punish any ex-Atlantis countries.

They went full out, conquering anything they could, PTOing new countries to “protect them from Eden”, and still managing to claim that all former Atlantis countries were the Imperialists of the world.

A map outlining the furthest extent of Peace at any point of time, light blue being conquered regions.

As you can see, Peace was out conquering all it could, as fast as it could.

Then, in a bold move, UK declared that they were joining Peace.
This move backstabbed their former allies, mostly Canada and the US.

Not long after, Peace invaded North America in the largest invasion Erepublik had ever seen.

Using Mpp’s, which had been activated months earlier during the time of Atlantis, the Peace invaders made quick work of the US. Spain and Canada, but couldn’t quite finish the job.

Eden struck back, and they struck back hard. Small nations sacrificed themselves to help the invaded, and eventually, through a series of brilliant moves, Peace had been removed from North America.

Now, look at how that entire invasion started.

Using Mpp’s, which had been activated months earlier during the time of Atlantis

I’m sure some of you already know where I’m going with this point, but I’ll give you the stats just to make it all the clearer.

Slovenia vs Croatia and 13 allies

Serbia vs Croatia and 14 allies

Hungary vs Croatia and 13 allies

Russia and 7 allies vs USA and 17 allies

Indonesia vs USA and 10 allies

Turkey vs Greece and 15 allies

Columbia vs USA and 11 allies

Russia vs Finland and 6 allies

Latvia and 1 ally vs Finland and 5 allies

Lithuania and 1 ally vs Poland

France and 2 allies vs USA and 10 allies

Out of all of the wars, not training wars, which have Mpp's, Peace has more in only 1 out of 11 wars

Eden holds all of the cards when it comes to open wars.

Do you know what could possibly be better than this?

Peace is crumbling as we speak!

Not only is Peace in a massive rut in open wars, but it’s also suffering internally as well.

I’m sure most of you have already read this article, where the president of France, Lyne Faynel, speaks out on how Peace treats it’s own members.

In that article, she reveals that she was called “Traitor. Coward. Filth. Noob. Idiot. Selfish.” simply because she refused to sacrifice her country for the Puppetmaster (commonly referred to as Hungary). She didn’t want to activate more of the American’s mpp’s, and downright refused to follow Peace’s orders.

All I can say is: At least someone is thinking.

France has had weakened relations with Peace ever since it lost all of it’s Spanish and Canadian regions, because protecting California was more important.

Why was California more important that Ontario, Quebec or Asturias? Because Indonesia (the other Puppetmaster) was in control of it.

And now, even though all of Peace tanked their hearts out in California, Indonesia is crumbling as well.
Just a little while ago, Indonesia gave WSR to Russia (finally…), which was a hit to their economy.
Then along comes mobile Eden troops, and they manage to RW away multiple Indonesian regions in China, and Western Australia.

If that isn’t a knockout for an economy, I don’t know what is. Good luck recovering from that one.

So Peace, watch your backs, because we’re watching and waiting. And once you finally collapse

We’ll be coming for you.