CP statement on "royal crisis"

Day 4,136, 06:03 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

based on the recent events considering the "king and the royal family", it is my duty as Country President to release a public statement. As I am currently out of the office due to certain circumstances, I only respond briefly using my personal newspapers.

As you may have noticed recently, a certain individual is making a tour around Netherlands with his small cohort of friends claiming to be a King and attacking a democratically elected government. Both of these can be already considered serious offences by some, but as the government supports journalistic module and freedom of speech, we stay neutral in this matter. To that point I even offered to this person to meet up with him, and try to talk out the situation in a peaceful manner between him, and the current members of the Royal House - the current King Legendardisch, and his abdicated brother Willem The Conqueror.

After the meeting with the Royal House, both the King and his brother were shocked, as they were both presented during the funeral, and they have seen the body of the former King being buried. Just as I did, when I presided over the safety of the funeral as Minister of Defense. While the royal protocol does not allow us to exhume the body of the former King to run DNA tests to confirm his actual identity, we have come to the conclusion that the person claiming to be the former King is not the former King at all.

By that, I do not say the person claiming to be the former King is not of royal blood - it is possible that the former King had some affairs during his stay in Ireland, and he managed to produce an offspring there, who might hold some claims on Dutch throne. However, there are three red flags:

- As this person proclaims to have claims on both Dutch and (non-existent) Belgian throne, it seems he looks to purposefully sour our relations with our southern neighbor. I plan to get in touch with the Belgian government soon about this topic, however we plan to keep our relations at high level.

- Secret services noticed this person entering Netherlands late at night transporting himself via Irish ferry. While our relations with Ireland have stabilized recently, it might be possible this person was sent by certain Irish individuals to spread chaos in Netherlands. The Irish could certainly benefit from installing a puppet as the King of Netherlands and/or Belgium.

- The current King stills hold a bigger claim on our throne due to the absolute cognatic primogeniture law.

The situation in the last few hours escalated. The King has released a harsh statement denouncing the person claiming his throne. As a response, the pretender has named himself the King of Netherlands (and seems Belgium as well), promised to supply weapons to his followers and proclaimed the royal decree disinheriting all the members of Royal Family. This decree was immediately nullified by the current King. It seems like path to end this conflict in calm and peace is closing. However, there is still time to find a peaceful solution satisfactory to both sides.

As President of this country, democratically elected by the citizens of this great nation, I therefore call the current pretender to cease his actions. If any hostile actions will be taken against the current King, the members of Royal Court, or the citizens of Netherlands or Belgium, the Dutch Army will have to retaliate to protect the sovereignty of our constitutional monarchy.

The government has been instructed to act in accordance with this statement and continue to do their daily job. We promise to our citizens that the crisis will not affect their daily lives in any manner whatsoever.

Janty F
Country President of eNetherlands.