CP - Q&A's

Day 2,365, 05:07 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Prime Minister Office

G’day Aussies,

Well as promised this is the first of your weekly President Questions and Answers article, why? Well It was my idea to allow young and old players the opportunity to ask questions directly in one place and for you to see that your Government isn't just sitting on their hands. Of course this isn't the only place where your Government is open to questions and queries, you can also ask members of the Cabinet questions in this thread in the Official eAustralian forums. While we are on the topic of the new forums, I have been assured that elections for democratically elected Mods and such on the new forums is happening very shortly so why not put your name down?

So anyway if you have any questions you would like to ask then feel free to post them below and I will be as honest and open as I possibly can, obviously some things will be sensitive so i will not be able to divulge too much detail so i hope you understand that, one thing we do not want to seem is untrustworthy to our friends and allies.

One thing I desperately hope to announce soon is a successful application to LETO, I have made approaches with regards to our application and hopefully this will be given the green light at the next Asteria HQ meeting. Obviously Asteria is involved in a bitter fight with Aurora currently but I am hoping our application will be raised so we can finally have full focus on our aims for eAustralia. Last time our friends in LETO were 100% behind our application and I am hoping Asteria agree this time so we can start building closer ties.

I also am offered the renting for free the unused orgs held by the Government that are just gathering dust, if you are a Commander of an Australian Military Unit and are interested then please contact me as soon as possible so we can discuss this further.

On a separate note we are currently looking to hold some close so-operation with a South African Military unit to help co-ordinate both of our countries Division 1 damage, obviously this will involve the ADF but if we can make our MU's a better oiled machine then all so much the better. I have of course personally contacted Argentina's President and Defence Minister to make sure they know that it is not a political or personal statement against their fine nation but merely an act born out of old friendship...more on this to follow. If Argentina are threatened or insulted by this then we shall act accordingly as we do not wish to hurt ties with Asteria and LETO.

And finally...brilliant work to all who fought against Chile in the numerous wars and battles they faced yesterday, we had them worried and I have the feeling that soon the upper hand will change. So don't be down hearted, don't give in. Keep the faith and i'll see you on the battlefield.

Dr Hugh

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