Congratulations William Duncan

Day 717, 10:22 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

I'd like to Congratulate William Duncan and Derek Harland on winning a second term as our Prime Minister here in Canada.

I want to set things straight, yesterday and this morning I checked my messages and I continue to get threats, such as I am going to ruin your political career or your an ass hole for treating WDDH the way you are. I don't hate William Duncan nor do I completely like him. Hes a good politician at some points. What I feel towards WD is Mutual so, stop with the fucking threats and mudslinging PMs its getting old and ridiculous. Second, I hear one thing about WD this term or I see that hes getting impeached, I'm going to start a mudslinging contests. You voted WD into office now deal with it.

Treian great fight and fair. You have my support as long as someone else does not win it from me. You are a great politician and I like to work with you a lot more in the near future. I wish you the best of luck, even though you don't need it, in all of your future projects.

Gaius Julius Caesar00, you two my friend are a great politician. My advice to you is to be a little more active. Your are very active on IRC, I'd like to see that activity in game as well. You are very active I admit, but you have to beat my activity in order for me to say anything better. Keep up the good work Gaius.

To Octavian and jmzkrg, Octavian you are known by all of Canada, but your past situations come into place especially when looking for a place in power. Octavian you have what it takes to be a great politician. Expand yourself and your interest, ask others for advice, talk to other parties, change the negative feeling others have towards you into a positive one. jmzkrg, I cant say much about you I dont know who you are, and that is porbably what took in effect at the polls, citizens saw your name and they think "Who is this guy?", you to must change that empty feeling others have of you and make it a positive one.

CSD, now this is a big one. No offence to Nosyt or many of you. Do yourselves and Canada a huge favor, take your dignity and pride and swallow it. Ever since I have started this game and my political career, my first party was CSD under Cottus... Back then I disagreed with many of their ways. Back when I was President of Norsefire and then the Original Canadian Progressive Front, I've seen something grow and it wasn't the party. Its your high ego and pride. CPF and CNC have both invited CSD to Party Meetings to get to know you and strengthen relationships between us, CSD either disagrees or doesn't care to have a good relationship with other parties. The current political scene stands as is CPF + CNC, DAL + CPP + C.H.A.O.S, CSD, ACC, CAP and LSC. Until you CSD Members learn to swallow your pride, throw away your Dignity and lower that high ego of yours, Canada will never progress any faster then a snail. Scorpius all this is for you as well. Your ego is to high to fit in Canada, lower it about 100 notches and maybe Canada will progress at a faster rate.

This isnt a rant or a mudslinging article, so please don't start the mudslinging shit in comments please. Its just to prove a point as well as my opinion and others.

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