[WTP]~ Let the Brave Amongst you....

Day 2,210, 21:26 Published in USA USA by Hale26


This is a brief Party President update. Wanted to touch upon FTW, WWG and a shoutout, and Party President Nominations. I know we’re all busy with our ice storms and flus, so I’ll stay as concise as possible.

A good chunk of this was written on December 7th, the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I ask that you all use this time to remember and pray for soldiers, past and present, who have died in the struggle to protect freedom and liberty, both at home and abroad.

Now, unto the article.

Feed The World (FTW) continues to grow in users, most pleasingly. Even more pleasingly, food is being expertly delivered prim and properly by our expert QMing duo Pompous and Mazzy Cat. Next time you get some food from FTW, be sure to shoot one of them a thank you PM. The world needs more good will in it.

Before encouraging you the reader to use FTW when in need or show it to others (newbs) in need, I will be addressing a lesser known portion of FTW. And, arguably, WTP.

Under my last 3-month stint as PP FTW was undergoing one of its (seemingly) monthly reformations. During this time a program I cared passionately about had just been closed; DODSA. DODSA involved the PMing of newbs by myself, offering them a small portion of food for commenting on the DoD paper. Being a fringe fighter for quite awhile, I’ve always had a special place in my heart for the direction the DoD provided.

WTP prides itself on making a home for some of the people who suffer through updating that paper. N0s3 and Seppo, while I haven’t talked to him in quiiittteee awhile (Gimme love babe) , are pure love to me and the whole WTP community.

The idea was rather simple. To get the free food, you must comment either “FTW o7” or “INSURGIO~” on the DoD paper.

This was wonderfully received and continues to be a proud part of the FTW tradition. Thanks to this effort, FTW gets the DoD at least 10-20 more votes per issue. All while providing food to the nation’s neediest.

Have need of food? Know a newb that needs food? FTW will gladly help you out;

Another fond venture that WTP is proudly pursuing is WWG; WeThePeople Writer’s Guild.

The goal of our guild is to promote quality media. As we’ve seen in recent days, media in our nation has dropped in quality at an alarming rate. Even our Dictatorial President has weeped at the sightings of 15 vote T5 articles, foreign T5 articles (Looking at you, Korean Swine. English, Allied, or GTFO)....etc.

By putting our Guild’s logo on your article, you’re guaranteed support from all guild members and WTP Leadership. The guild will support you with shouts, comments and votes. Keep in mind, members must either be WTP, apolitical or a 6ther. For now. I will have more on this later.

A vast, bright future is ahead of the WWG. I already have quite a few national plans for the Guild to encourage the reincarnation of our nation’s media. All of that will probably be reserved for later, of course.

Care about our nation’s media? Can write a coherent sentence? And maybe, can’t write a coherent sentence?
Doesn’t matter to us!

WWG is going to be evolving and making massive changes, very soon. To be part of it, contact this fine Tanishq here and she’ll set you up.

Also, I encourage you all to give a read, vote, comment and shout to our friends in the LAP Gazette; http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/lap-dancers-rsquo-gazette-vol-3-interviewing-the-big-shots-2349913/1/20

They did a piece on WWG and deserve the most love our wittle hearts and exponentially larger lower bits can muster. Much love, LAP.

Finally, Party Presidential Nominations are open.

As promised, I will not be returning to the seat for another term. WeThePeople has been associated with my name for far too long at this point. I have completed the key goal of this term, as much will be reflected in a few days time, and know my place is neatly laid out for me on the bench. I will be, Party President obliging, returning next term to assist the party in various runnings. From behind curtains, of course.

This makes December a wide, open month. No strongmen candidates are going in. The slate is open.

This party has 268 members, all of whom who I have seen and value in various manners. Each of you has a mind, or so much I’d hope. Each of you has a reason for being here.

If you know you can will 30 minutes of effort out of your busy schedule and have felt any stirring in all your years of existence, I implore you,

Run for Party President.

For too long this party has feared leadership. Many of you have gone politically inactive, as such. It is a sad day when I must prove the merit, the meaning to my actions not to my loving base, but to the cold and scheming accusations of my opponents. It is a sad day when Mass Messages go unresponded to and programs go unused.

I ask all of you to outline what you want in WeThePeople.

Even if you do not want to run officially, or win for that matter, this simple act is all I ask of you today. Political involvement, no matter the depth, is of the upmost importance to the survival of our movement.

If you can write 5 lines, devote 30 minutes of time to this game a day and have felt any pain or joy in your life before, run for Party President.

Do not fear the task. Do not fear failure. If you fall in this, I’ll catch you. If you don’t get a single vote in the race, don’t fret. Your goal is to put forward a mandate; A man is capable of reading many words, some of them yours, in one day. But he only has 1 vote, 1 single vote to cast. If he has mulled over your words, then you have at least proven some merit in them, his final choice be damned.

Each of you has the ability to do this and must do this, considering the state of our party. Do this. I will stand behind you and ensure your success as much as I’m able to; Don’t worry about that.

The real challenge, is having the bravery to put your foot forward. So,

Let the brave ones make themselves known.

That is all for this update. I’m still running short on space, so the VICTORY, the SoH and the excellent forums will be left for the next update.

Now, go out and tell that pretty girl the truth, wake up 10 minutes early to shovel your neighbour’s driveway and buy coffee for the guy behind you. If you do even 2 of these things, I will love you forever.

To Shout;


Food for the Newbs, Media for the Nation