[WGA] eWorld happenings

Day 1,706, 04:37 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
QUETTA, Pakistan - Gentlemen, this is not a classic war analysis, that kind of articles died with the NE rule and ping pong wars. Instead, the focus of this article will be commenting/analyzing on a almost-happened-but-still-can happen CTRL alliance and what power shifts it can create.

First I would like to comment on the recent diplomacy progress done by Ishamael Naeblis, which is written in more detail here. USA MPP is probably one of the best things happened for Pakistan in the last few months, as it gives us more security from our not-so-friendly neighbors. We do remain proONE, and that is not going to change anytime soon. What is good is that Ishamael has finally established contacts with a few nations, big players as some would prefer calling them, and getting them on our side will most certainly give us the edge in the upcoming period.

After Brazil and USA leaving, Terra is pretty much dead alliance. Canada is still trying to hold things together, but there is not much success. According to the EDEN meeting logs, EDEN offers some of them dual membership, thus making TEDEN unofficially one alliance.

- ONE - Oh noes, double Spaniards quit
Spain has just left ONE, reasoning it by too big influence of Serbian and Hungarian players in HQ. Long term we will see what this leaving means, but so far Spain is still proONE, with the exception of Brazil/USA MPP.

- CTRL - Dead before being born?
CTRL is supposed to be an alliance of fullresource countries: USA, Brazil, Spain, Poland, and in some people's wet dreams China. Idea of the alliance is to move away the focus from the Balkans and SRB/CRO, HUN/RO, MKD/GR and BG/TR ping pong wars, where around 90% of world's damage is thrown in every day.

Everything went fine until logs of ONE meeting were leaked where Polish CP said that Poland will not leave ONE. Other participants then openly asked Poland to leave ONE before CTRL is formalized, and after it was refused the idea was abandoned. More can be read here.

Considering the MPPs between USA/Brazil and Spain, the idea of a 3rd, non-Balkan side still exists, but is not as important as it was planned. Polish status is still uncertain, and their pick will probably decide the future of CTRL and the world geopolitics in the next period.


In case Poland finally decides to to towards USA, we will get a tripolar world. The game will be a bit different than it was before, I am not sure if it will be more fun. Two sides will be fighting in the endless Balkan wars, while third will most likely stay neutral, sit on full bonuses and sell their damage until they change something because it is boring to play that way. For total domination game, they can't play without Serbia.

As it was said in one of the articles linked above, Poland tried to push Serbia and Hungary into CTRL MAP ring. Due to American disliking of Serbia and Brazilian dislike towards Hungary, the idea was abandoned. Without Serbia and Hungary, there is no total domination, but I can imagine EDEN working towards splitting CTRL from CoT and getting CoT back on their side (hard cos of Turkey and Greece). OFC, here I am assuming that Macedonia will join CoT when ONE falls apart.

In case Poland joins but SRBHUN stays in ONE, there will be full tripolar world with a small chance of united Balkans, which is a dream of some for years now. Not very likely to happen because I doubt Poland would risk their relations with country which are way too close to their original regions.

Most likely outcome is that Poland will stay in ONE, in which case not much will change from how it is now. CTRL will help EDEN just enough so they can keep pace with ONE while not putting their eventual NAP with Poland in danger.


Whatever of the above happens I don't see much changing in our region. China and Indonesia will remain as superpowers who rarely interact, and their conflicts will be even rarer than before. India is apparently giving up on Bulgaria which means they definitely will not go to CoT and turn proONE. Other countries will not change their status too much, because no matter what happens in Europe, Asia isn't really influenced by it. In the last 6-7 months it is pretty much obvious that the game became almost completely region-based.

For Pakistan it is important to pick proper allies, so people should be looking at the big picture. However, it is no longer the priority, as everything revolves around how much RL money you can invest, how big is your population and how big is your treasury, so neutrality is a solid option as wel. Mercenaries everywhere, you no longer even need people!

