[WeThePeople] Fruits of Labor

Day 2,415, 08:20 Published in USA USA by Hale26

It’s been an eventful 5 days up in the WTP Cab room. Our daily meeting threads are still super active, we’re getting lots of solid ideas thrown about, work is being done and- We’re doing all of this, while maintaining our real lives. To me, that’s awesome!

Even more awesome?

Martin Reichert is getting married!

I’m sorry bro, but I had to do a shoutout. Martin has been an amazing retention director for WeThePeople, spear-heading the effort to get our forums more active and more WTPers involved in our wonderful community. And when a great member of WTP goes out and gets himself married, shoutouts abound. I’d encourage all of you to congratulate Martin, send him a gift or tell him to forward invites for the wedding to Hale26, Dmjohnston and Discomusolini. All very, very good options!

The rest of this is an informative party update on exactly what #wtp.cab has been doing, besides celebrating marriage. Agenda-

Active Forums and A Signup Drive
WTP Needs MEDIA! Sign up to get tanks and help Seppo
Updating of Party Policies
Presidential Primary

WeThePeople’s Forums Rock; Get involved naow!

Martin Reichert recently announced 2 contests to spur activity on our forums. To re-read those contests, check this helpful post. The contests have ended now and I must congratulate the winners; Piggy Boot and Cubby! From the contests we got a renewed sense of competition in Martin’s original words game and a new question-question game that has amassed over 120 replies in four days. Who said the forums were dead?

I’d encourage you to check both games out and the WTP Public mainboard for more!

For a limited time only, we’re also offering 7 free Q7 tanks if a WTPer who isn’t masked yet requests access to the WTP Private Boards here. Martin is making a team in cooperation with the rest of the Cab to fulfill our goal of 20 new WTPers on the forums. Help us, help you.

Get the Word Out: WTP Wants Media!

Our Media Director, HeapSeppo, sent out a Mass message not too long ago asking for writers for our revival of the WeThePeople Media Department. If you can write literally any english and are willing to volunteer a bit of your time or your paper, please send Seppo a message here. A large reason why WeThePeople didn’t do as well as we would’ve liked in the Congress elections this month is that our general media prescense in the weeks following up to Congress wasn’t great. In the next week we’re hoping to establish a writer’s structure that can fill this need through promotion of what, exactly, WeThePeople do for our nation.

Again: If you want to volunteer your paper or time to the WTP Media Department, message Seppo asap!

I’m also happy to announce a personal pilot program that I’m launching, WTP’s Tanks4Watching. In the initial stages of the program I’m giving out 1 Q7 tank to every WTPer who comments INSURGIO~ or includes an INSURGIO~ in their comment on any WTP media. Once we start pumping out more media that amount will, understandably, have to be lessened.

You want to start earning your tanks and promoting WTP Media? Comment INSURGIO~ in the comment section below!

Updating Party Policy

As part of this administration’s goal of making WTP the best it can be, we’re launching a referendum to abolish the old vote buying policy. In a world where vote buying is no longer a systematic fault in our media space, all this policy does is serve as an ill-followed handicap to promoting WTP media. Basically, it makes advertisement through vote buying controversial- For no good reason. There is no moral high ground for WeThePeople to take anymore, let alone one we should or should not.

Vote to repeal this old policy here.

Check the discussion out here

We’re also going to be having referendums on running 6th partiers, abolishing Bill one , funding a few of the party programs I mentioned above officially and new FTW supply amounts. Lot to cover. Stay tuned to the Private WTP boards to participate in any of these upcoming discussions.
Presidential Primary Time: Vote Now!

WeThePeople’s Presidential Primaries are OPEN! To cast your vote for either our very own dmjohnston or AMP’s John Largo, please click the link below and fill out your ballot;


Can’t vote? Send me a message and we’ll sort it out.

I’d encourage you to look over all the candidate’s campaign material before casting your vote. Thanks to the efforts of Secretary of Education Delyruin and his team, the DoE's website is your one-stop-shop to finding all this;


Be sure to check out the Race for Potus, as brought to you by the DoE.

We’re having a brilliant month so far in WeThePeople. Our Forums now not only serve as a cool place for WTPers to mess around, but for the wider eusa forum community too. Our leadership is a lean, mean, efficient machine- Something we’re all enjoying the benefits of. We’re updating party policies, promoting our media and we even have one of our own running for the nation’s top job.

Now, I’d love to make the correlation from this that awesome stuff being done must mean I’m some god-Party President. Let me stress that again: That would be a fun correlation to make. But this isn’t about me, or this game or even my lovely Cabinet in the bigger picture.

This is about you.

Without you, the loyal partier who plays this game for the fun of it, we wouldn’t be doing this s**t. If the leaders of WTP fully agree on one thing it’s that we love the people, specifically you people, that we get to play with. If I’ve stressed one thing in my term, it’s the fact that eRepublik is supposed to compliment your life in a positive way. We do what we do not only because we enjoy the work but because we enjoy the knowledge that Hey- Through the activity and positive energy we’re putting forward, we’re improving your game experience.

At the end of the day, that’s what WeThePeople is all about; Making your game, and maybe your day in some small way, just that much better.

That’s about all I have to say right now. I’d like to encourage all of you to continue voting in the Presidential Primaries, participate in our media program and check out our work to update party policy. Be active and enjoy.

The Party President