** UPDATE ** Official White House Press Release #32.1 7/13/2009 (PEACE attacks!)

Day 600, 13:46 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

** UPDATED Day 601 16:30

Items To Be Covered

1. Invasion Threat

2. Propaganda Alert

**3. eUSNG Training Division

4. California

** 5. PEACE attacks!

6. Other News

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Invasion Threat

As most of you have probably read, PEACE spokesman Jazar has announced their Declaration of Intent to Assault the USA. This article is only a copy of the original author (former PEACE spokesman GLaDOS), who published the same article last month. Last month, our intelligence sources correctly determined that the object of the June 15th “attacks” were to be attempted political takeover of a major eUS political party and we were successful in preventing this from succeeding.

Although this is a copycat article, promising attacks on July 15th, our intelligence sources have determined that, in addition to PTO attempts, there is a legitimate possibility of military attacks as well. Our economy and military structure has transitioned into wartime mode as a result of this in order to combat any possible invasion and our military has prepared several contingency plans for possible battle on multiple fronts in addition to countermeasures in the event of initial success with an attack on eUS or eCanadian soil.

Whether all of the prewar foreign chatter is legitimate or a simple diversion, PEACE GC has woken up the American giant and we and our allies are prepared to defend our sovereign nations and as long as our people and our allies remain united against this enemy which has shown hostile intentions toward our free nations, we will prevail. We will remember the smaller PEACE nations that do not support this type of aggression and will keep those nations sovereign as well. We will also remember the nations that invite our counterattacks when they support the hostilities of Indonesia and Hungary.

There is no guarantee that PEACE GC will not initiate attack before July 15th or even if they will go through with the attack at all. Because of the possibility of attack on multiple fronts, all members of the military are advised to follow orders of where to fight which are relayed to them by their Commanding Officers, because it is important that each soldier fight in their assigned regions.

Evidence of Military Aggression Threatening North America:
From the Pacific side, Indonesia has attacked and now occupies Japan’s territory of Kyushu, which gives Indonesia a direct border with eUSA by way of Hawaii. If Indonesia comes through Hawaii, the next step is California.

On the Atlantic side, Hungary has also attacked eUK and now occupies Scotland, giving Hungary a direct border with eCanada at Newfoundland and Labrador, a high oil-producing region in eCanada and also a military threat to our friends in several bordering territories in eIreland.

PEACE GC may succeed in a battle or two but, if they become brazen enough to break their own code of not activating MPPs, they will not win this war against a united alliance and a united eUSA. Our vigilance will prevail and no foreign aggressor will succeed in trampling the will of our unified nations. To see our president’s response to these aggressive actions, be sure to read Harrison Richardson’s State of the Union Address.

We are advising our citizens who live in areas with low Q hospitals to move to one of our Q5 hospital regions to make the most of battle damage ability, ranking up faster by being able to fight 5 times each day and maximum wellness recovery of 50 points by using the hospital in either Florida or New Jersey. In the event that one of these states are overwhelmed in attack (New Jersey by way of France or Florida by way of Portugal), citizens may be asked to move inland to our new Q5 hospital in Kansas. All members of the military should follow orders that are given by your commanding officers.

To make the smartest choices in the event of war or during prewar peacetime, make sure you read Which Button Do I Press First?.

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Propaganda Alert

Agents of other nations that have hostile intentions toward our nation have long infiltrated our media in order to provide disinformation to sway public opinion and cause divisions within our population. One way this is done is by going into well-known American media and commenting, pretending they are Americans or pretending they are friends or allies of ours and making statements which then catch on to the population as a whole. Sometimes they will hide behind organizations which post these comments, so that we are not sure who is really making these comments. This is a very effective tactic used in the propaganda wars.

Another way they attempt to divide the population and sway public opinion is by using foreign-owned organizations to publish articles in American media and then using foreign voters (not American voters) to vote these articles up to our Top 5 so that the information they want our public to believe will be readily available and it will be harder for the population to get the information we really need to know. This is one of the reasons The Briefing Room was create😛 So that official, verifiable and reliable information can be disseminated to the public to counter propaganda that is issued from entities that wish to distribute misinformation and sway public opinion. That is the prime reason why articles from The Briefing Room and other trusted sources should be voted up; so our public will have the correct information we need to know.

So how will the public know which information to rely on? Below you will find a list of trusted publications. It is not an all-inclusive list, just an example of publications that are neither personal opinion nor publications meant to change public opinion. The authors of these publications have access to intelligence that may not be readily available to the public, but are reliable sources of factual information and articles from these publications need to be voted up (again, not an all-inclusive list, but examples of publications that our population can trust to provide accurate information).

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** eUSNG Training Division

** Citizens can rely on information from official publications to give information about where to fight. However, if you would like to get real-time orders based on information gathered from high-level intelligence to make the best use of our military firepower, citizens are encouraged to enlist in the eUnited States National Guard Training Division (TD) to defend our borders and also fight abroad without ever having to leave eUSA. Another benefit to being a member of the TD is that recruits will learn the best ways to navigate through eRepublik and making the best use of forums and understanding of game mechanics which go beyond just military actions. Many of our newest citizens have graduated from being “2-clickers” and have become some of our most active citizens as a result of their enrollment in the eUSNG.

** To correct the last statement, this was previously listed as Home Guard, which is only available upon internal transfer. The TD, however, is open to all citizens. If you are interested in joining, you can enlist at this link.

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In response to the threat of invasion by Indonesia, President Harrison Richardson proposed and Congress has approved by a 42-1 vote to place a Q5 defense system in California! Defense systems work the best in protecting high-population states and makes it harder for aggressors to conquer the territory by forcing them to spend more gold to secure the region. This is the second major infrastructure advancement in a week to help defend our country from attack as we prepare to either engage in war or dissuade aggression toward our homeland.

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** PEACE attacks!

PEACE GC has initiated further military aggression and are currently using France to attack Canada's Nova Scotia province! Citizens are urged to move to a Q5 hospital region to be able to get the most out of our fighting ability. Non-military personnel may fight to defend Canada from here in eUSA. All military soldiers must continue to follow orders from your commanding officers before engaging in any battle maneuvers. PEACE GC is now waging military attacks on North America and we must hold firm with our Canadian allies - This is WAR!

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Other News

As other important information our citizens need to know becomes available, it will be updated in this issue of The Briefing Room or, if this becomes available at a later time, a new issue will be released to keep our citizens informed. Citizens are urged to stay up-to-date with the release of information as soon as it is made available.

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On behalf of the eWhite House, I thank you for reading and taking the time to keep up with current events. Please subscribe to "The Briefing Room" to ensure you are always up to date with the happenings of eGovernment, the eWhite House and important informational updates.

Remember to vote this up so the public will have access to updates as soon as they are available. Have fun and enjoy another day in eRepublik!

~mjdiv, White House Press Secretary