***MY RESPONSE TO http://tinyurl.com/3ts7abl***

Day 1,360, 11:24 Published in Croatia Canada by antjerci
I must point Franz that you asked for my comment.

Because I "know" you from time of eEgypts dawn, and heboo's presidency - i have deep respect for you.

Also I would like to point players who left strong impression on me : ugura, heboo, voice, Arab league, kiffer ( the Greek ) and very few others who "putted their back" under huge "stone" of forming new ( Arab ) e-countries burden.

Under that burden were also backs of many Croats who came in aid AS RESPONSE TO YOUR CALL. I really do not want to point this again... However - we came as ATO to secure your existence, and we did. Somewhere must be some logs of government of those months where you can see that Arabs were at least equally represented in all functions. If nothing, YOU should remember of that.

I led that action, and in my article i declared it's END ( check it! ) - and transferring all functions to you ppl. My ppl withdraw!! As agreed.
Croats who stood in eEgypt were not and are NOT part of any official eCroatian action there anymore!! I am also assured that MANY stood in benefit of eEgypt and with good intentions. And here I mean on LnL unit members.
Events that took place in eEgypt after we left - are NOT eCroatian affair or issue in anyway. So much of the past!

ATM it is very difficult for me to comment your ideas posted in article! WHY? Because I AM eCROATIAN MOFA NOW,and I am speaking in the name of ALL eCroatia!

And OUR stand atm is : We support agreement among players in eEgypt about forming and distributing government! We recognize OFFICIAL election results, and not any parallel government in "the shadow"! Varlosh's article the other day with burning Croatian flag made us all here in Croatia very disturbed and angry even hostile. I fought against your RW instantly after that , and so did many of us here, even units. AND - we will continue that as a response to any such insult in future. We are looking your newspapers article where many offenses on our behalf have already been placed, but we stood silent. That was drop to much and will not be tolerated! If you want us - eCroatia to be your enemies by doing generalized insults to all of us - SO BE IT!

THIS IS A GAME! And in this game, since ever - eGreece is our brother and ally! This WILL continue! On the other side , FYROM - official name! or Macedonia as we used to say in every day's language - IS OUR ENEMY! I remember WHEN THEY WERE INTRODUCED IN GAME! I SUPPORTED IT PERSONAL AS I DID CYPRUS, MONTENEGRO and so on! Even we knew we will be enemy with FYROM and MONTENEGRO, we welcomed them because THIS IS A GAME! And we all PLAY here!

You are right when said - that "strategic partnership between us and eGreece in that time took priority", and it will be like that in future! CROATIA is PILLAR OF EDEN, as well AS ANY LEAVE ON OUR TREE! We've never abandon or betray our brothers from Eden and Terra and we NEVER WILL. We have been betrayed by countries we felt brothers ENOUGH! Even than many players and units were against it ( HAIL POW! RCA! ).

In that time also, but no one mention that, almost WHOLE elite unit of "TULJANI" came in eEgypt, took CS and were core of your army than ( Thanks to zdlemmy, overk - who were your prime minister, me - I was vice CP, MoFA and so on, john_rambo and niksap - some of Tuljani's commanders! Memmbers of BSD unit ( Atea, Frojla, Janko Fran and so on ), memmbers of our state army - Ban Josip Jelacic II, BeDva, berinni ( our primaminister now ) and others, whole secret organisation POGFA with Hansino and syxyby transfered all companies in eEgypt. I AM IN DANGER OF FORGETTING SOMEONE HERE - forgive me ppl!!

AND AT THE END of this part - WE CAME ON THE FIRST PLACE BECAUSE heboo - Jordanian queen, and beloved and respected player in eCroatia - your FIRST CP and AS FRIENDS OF ARAB PPL WHEN OTHERS DID NOT CARE!

Our players lost NE bonus in days when eCroatia was deleted by eSerbia!

MANY OF US SPENT HUNDREDS OF RL MONEY( EUROS ) or whatever valute and invest in Egypt. So for the LAST TIME - do not generalize ever more!

OFFICIAL NOW as eCroatian MOFA : Giving up of some regions for some time, let me be honest - trading with regions- is PART OF THIS GAME! - and is result of diplomacy more than war! Will you menage to do so - great for you! It is good way of thinking but not publicly announce that you will not defend it and so on!

I URGE TO YOU: FIND COMPROMISE in eEgypt! There IS NOT ENOUGH RL ARAB PLAYERS IN eEGYPT - and you must compromise, same time working on baby boom best u can!
Therefor - despite so much obligations as MoFA and RL - I talk to Croats in eEgypt and Arabs past days since I am MoFA. I did not ask this talks in the name of eCroatia, BUT - I would be glad if you come up with me with some group of players who has "calm heads" AND OPEN MINDS! I will try to help you in any negotiations.

HERE I ASK AND INSIST that TENSIONS MUST BE LOWERED if you want our help! I can suggest you to talk to eGreece, and anyone you think you should who can help to find solution.

BUT YOU MUST CHOOSE SIDE MY FRIENDS!!! You are not in position of placing any conditions at this moment. If you choose eGreece - you chose us and path pro-EDEN!
If you chose FYROM - you chose path against us. THEY OCCUPIED YOU NO MATTER HOW YOU CALL IT!!!
Simple as that. No anger. That case we will be GAME enemies ( NOT RL! ).

For example - eCroatia and eSerbia are ANCIENT e-enemies. We fought hard against each other - and that time was time of eRepublik countries blooming!! If we ( Croatia and Serbia ) are chained by mutual war - many other countries flourish! Even so - I have GREAT RESPECT for many of eSerbian players, as well for eHungarian because we are enemies since ever - and that make this game. But I do not hate any of them, or burn their flag! Not fair play. Not...normal - it is ..health issue!!

CROATS in eEgypt - my brothers, my blood : eCroatia needs you! Do not let anyone spill on you and treat you as dirt. You can always come home, help your motherland to stay beacon of Edens light! If you had enough - come home, fight for motherland, leave ungrateful to unworthy! If you think there is hope, and you will stay - be fair, honest, do not embarrass your blood!

eEgpt Arabs : Again - Choose side. You cant choose "third" way - it is not a way you can exist! If you choose eGreece and pro Eden path - maybe not strongest, but the most honest way. I believe you choose good. I cant speak in the name of eGreece - but I hope with all my heart you will find best compromise for eEgypt. I will be here for help as long I am capable of that as eCroatian MoFA, and true friend.

Wish you all the best and remember : this is a game!
In Real Life : Death smiles at us all. All what you can do is to smile back!

Regards to allies and enemies.