A third way?

Day 1,360, 09:33 Published in Egypt Egypt by Franz Kafka

We have played the game of regional politics, and have come up short because of it.

We were, to some extent, forced into this position. I recall when Arab League was our President. He tried in vain to secure a fair and negotiated agreement to allow the Greeks control of Sinai and allow Egypt security. But the Greeks were greedy, they demanded too much, and in our darkest hour Arab League took the decision to accept an offer of FYR Macedonian help.

This was and always has been a partnership to support eEgypt’s continued self-determination, and not an expression of aggression to our former mentors and great supporters – Croatia. However as we saw when the Greeks threatened us with annihilation – our Croat friends will speak out for us, but their strategic partnership with Greece must take priority.

Now eEgypt is faced with an impossible choice – do we give into Croat pressure and abandon FYROM? In which case next month we shall be fighting a FYROM invasion and PTO attempt (with - I expect - very little assistance from Greece or Croatia in our defence)… Or do we continue our allegiance to FYROM, and suffer the slow social and economic strangulation of the Croat PTO?

These are nasty choices, and I really hope we can find a 3rd way. I hereby appeal to Varlosh, to our Croat political leaders and to all our neighbours to reach an agreement. Let eEgypt return to non-alignment. Let eEgypt give up Sinai to whichever of the regional neighbours wants to fight for it – let us declare never to defend it – and in return let our neighbours declare that eEgypt has the right to govern the rest of her territory without threat and attack.

This calls for a regional non-aggression agreement between Cyprus, Israel, Turkey, FYROM, and Croatia that states that apart from Sinai, all other Egyptian territories will not be invaded – and in return eEgypt will refrain from signing MPPs with any of the aforementioned countries.

This will give us the space to gorw, to become a truely successful new Arab country in the eWorld.

Could this be a basis for a deal?

Franz Kafka