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0 Dia 1,493, 15:01 Publicado em USA USA Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Instead of the 3AM, 12PM, 3PM format, I'm changing it to 3AM, 12PM, and 6PM format (all eRepublik time, aka PST)

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12 PM Food and Weapons REPORT {Day 1,493}

1 Dia 1,493, 12:30 Publicado em USA USA Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros


Q1: Average Price - 0.499 Price per HP - 0.250
Q2: Average Price - 0.950 Price per HP - 0.238
Q3: Average Price - 1.457 Price per HP - 0.243
Q4: Average Price - … ler mais »

3AM Weapon and Food REPORT {Day 1,493}

2 Dia 1,493, 03:12 Publicado em USA USA Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Q1 Foo😛 Average Price - 0.506 Price per HP - 0.253
Q2 Foo😛 Average Price - 0.953 Price per HP - 0.238
Q3 Foo😛 Average Price - 1.532 Price per HP - 0.255
Q4 Foo😛 Average Price - 2.013 Price per HP - 0.252
Q5 Foo😛 Average Price - 2.491 Price

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3PM Weapon and Food Market REPORT {Day 1,492}

4 Dia 1,492, 15:48 Publicado em USA USA Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Q1 Foo😛 Average Price - 0.504 Price per HP - 0.252
Q2 Foo😛 Average Price - 0.990 Price per HP - 0.263
Q3 Foo😛 Average Price - 1.578 Price per HP - 0.263
Q4 Foo😛 Average Price - 2.005 Price per HP - 0.251
Q5 Foo😛 Average Price - 2.500

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4 Dia 1,492, 12:25 Publicado em USA USA Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

The format for the start of The Economic News will be this:

3 AM (eRepublik time): Average price of Q1, Q2, etc, for foods a weapons
12 PM: Same as above, with How much the price gone up (or down) and the percentage of.
3 PM: Same as above,

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