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[Wook4CP] Why not, eh? If Wayne can win...

33 Dia 2,474, 09:40 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Sometimes you just have to give it another go…

Hello eUK!

Apologies for the brevity of this article, but I … ler mais »

[UKRP] Dead hookers, Belgians, Horice...oh, and a damn fine Congress list!

12 Dia 2,469, 17:24 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Another month, another Congress list…

Can you bleedin’ believe it? I know right? Another month has passed and … ler mais »

[UKRP] Congress lists, hamsters and pure excitement...

12 Dia 2,464, 07:04 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Speak to me UKRP, tell me your dreams…

Hello UKRP and welcome to another month under the tyrannyler mais »

[UKRP] The results are in...

8 Dia 2,459, 04:16 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

You lucky, lucky UKRPers...

Just a short article today to let you know the results (if you haven’t seen them … ler mais »

[UKRP] PPs, lesbians and BIG prizes...

13 Dia 2,456, 06:52 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Time for some Party President Primary voting…

Hello to the UKRP and to anyone else out there stupidler mais »