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[CW] New life, New hope. A sense of belonging

17 Dia 1,828, 06:30 Publicado em Canada Canada Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Strength in Unity and a strong sense of belonging. Not in blind faith or mindlessly following orders.

What makes a wolf pack so powerful in nature?
A wolf … ler mais »

New to the game? Lost and looking for a family? Clan Wolf is recruiting!

15 Dia 1,827, 09:52 Publicado em Canada Canada Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

Clan Wolf is recruiting

Are you new to the game or just tired of the old grind and are looking for a good support system where you can meet new people, share a laugh and

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The happy big win good time casino

6 Dia 1,815, 12:07 Publicado em Canada Canada Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Taking in the great idea of Venom I am putting up a rival casino.

Please take a look at all the fun and amazing games we have!

Game 1
A payment of 100 CC or … ler mais »

How to Buy and/or Sell damage

15 Dia 1,809, 12:22 Publicado em Canada Canada Primeiros passos no eRepublik Primeiros passos no eRepublik

This is more of a how to for myself to have on hand but if anyone sees this and stumbles upon it please feel free to use it.

I have a lot of zookas and power bars saved up so i am going to make a little spare CAD on it 😃


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[CW] Official party list for Congress

17 Dia 1,798, 08:40 Publicado em Canada Canada Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

This is Clan Wolf official and final list of candidates for congress:

1. vl125
2. Quimbie Muffins
3. Abby Watson
4. Steve Howard
5. TheBurningMan
6. Douglas Highwatch
7. Max Maher
8. Oinyo
9. foltof
10. J_Retief
11. Zianni Vaatez
12. N

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