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Why I love TemujinBC...

26 Dia 1,217, 21:07 Publicado em Canada Canada

He Tells it Like It Is...

FREE MUGLACK … ler mais »

Official DAL Party Statement

27 Dia 1,166, 14:11 Publicado em Canada Canada

Hello All

Speaking on behalf on Alastar Aingleis, the current DAL Party President, we would like to publicly distance ourselves from the current actions of Code-Y (AKA

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CAF Handouts - TOP SECRET - Blah, Blah

46 Dia 1,147, 19:40 Publicado em Canada Canada

So, for months and months all we ever heard from the CAF is how their handouts are so top secret that it would be a threat to the nation if they ever got out

For months we've

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DAL endorses Rolo for CP?

11 Dia 1,077, 16:15 Publicado em Canada Canada

They say some people can't be bought....

They say some people can't be hacked....

Wonder which one it was?.....

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Thank-You eCanada!

40 Dia 1,051, 21:04 Publicado em Canada Canada

Hello All,

On October 5th, I offered the eCanadian People an opportunity to apologize for the wrongful impeachment of my presidency

I decided to let the people decide the best way to compensate me, either by re-electing me to CP, or by

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