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With the best of intent, to be informative, economically aware, and politically mild, with varying amounts of satire. Hope you enjoy reading, and shoot me a PM if you have any questions!

A prize thing for you all (no subscribing necessary)

5 Dia 481, 16:13 Publicado em USA USA

I do not need subscriptions. That's just hard and people can lie really easily about that.

I want money!

And here's how I'm going to get it.

Until April 15, 2009 EST midnight (maybe a little after), I will take donations of 1 USD.
At the

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Greedy America! The 50 man plan (very lofty i know)

11 Dia 475, 21:34 Publicado em USA USA

Ok, so maybe i did fight in the war to get wellness, but really, i implore you all to not join these wars anymore!

I mailed "The Blooms" in Congree who I think is the leader of some small party, but it was said that

"...the war helps us in

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No communists or socialists or anything in congress?!?!?

9 Dia 473, 00:11 Publicado em USA USA

This is a travesty!

Why are there no communists or anything in Congress

If I could, I'd run as a Congress member. Of course, I'd sort of be more socialist (and if you didn't know that, then you didn't read any of my past articles!!!!!).

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Mexico right now

13 Dia 472, 22:19 Publicado em USA USA


Why are we fighting Mexico?

Personally I can't fight because my wellness keeps deteriorating from working and I can't get enough wellness to fight. Or money to buy weapons...

Anyway, why is this war happening?

If you read in

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Diplomacy game

4 Dia 471, 23:50 Publicado em USA USA

This is my next article. Why? It's trifling. Duh. And it's 1:30 AM how am I supposed to come up with anything good.

So I've decided to talk about the Diplomacy games I'm playing right now.

Diplomacy has 7 countries all fighting for supply

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