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Still more informative than Today Tonight!

Day 859 News! New Tax Votes, Republican visions, Elections and more!

6 Dia 859, 00:17 Publicado em Australia Australia

New Tax Votes

Weapon Taxes
Result: Still Being voted for

New Old
Value added tax (VAT) 8% 5%
Import Tax 13% 10%
Income Tax … ler mais »

News Of Day 858 and some political and war poetry

4 Dia 858, 08:14 Publicado em Australia Australia

Public Housing?

Could we have public housing? Should our government put public housing into Australian polices?

You Decide, Comment your though on it!

ANP candidate announced

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Erepublik Basketball

1 Dia 857, 02:25 Publicado em Australia Australia

Sign the above to join Erepublik Basketball!

Each country needs at lest 5 team members to be able to go against other country's,

It will start when we have … ler mais »

Election, PTO and more news

4 Dia 856, 03:33 Publicado em Australia Australia


It has been though that the National Pirate Party have been trying for a PTO (Political Takeover)

There is nothing to be alarmed about it at this time, Multi-Members of it have been banned.

30 channelers where banned, 8 where on … ler mais »


4 Dia 855, 22:33 Publicado em Australia Australia

Australia, Our enemy's above have attacked us!

Join the war recruits and above!

Citizens who cant, GET IN THE BOMB SHELTERS!

Australia, This is war, Fight it

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