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Still more informative than Today Tonight!

The indos reported me!

7 Dia 873, 07:17 Publicado em Australia Australia

Vote and comment to get admin's attention!

See, I told you all they where dangerous!

Now there taking down our media!

And i got 0.5 for, Breaking citizen law 3...

In my article i never broke any of the things described in there

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I would like to say sorry...

2 Dia 872, 00:46 Publicado em Australia Australia

I would like to say sorry to anyone offended by any of my articles...

Im sorry
Im sorraya
Sorry i am
I am Sorry
Am I Sorry
AI m Sorry

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Special Edition: Losing the war

7 Dia 871, 07:07 Publicado em Australia Australia

I would like to take the time for this...

The leader of the AMP
Has got the congress but not self esteem
And he hides beneath the seats
While he cries himself to sleep

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Good Luck, Mr President!

7 Dia 868, 04:10 Publicado em Australia Australia

We congratulate you, Mr President on winning the election.

The citizens have shown they like you more than the other guys...

But i ask here now, Dont be a Bass or a

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3 Dia 867, 03:47 Publicado em Australia Australia

Dont forget to vote in this election!!!

One Citizen Of Australia having a say this ler mais »