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Help me help this country

28 Dia 695, 09:52 Publicado em USA USA

For the last three months, I've tried to help this country by finding inactive parties with gold, becoming their Party President and using the gold to advertise things this country needs. This month, I'm running to be the Conservative Liberty

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Announcing the new USA Welcoming Committee

24 Dia 678, 20:18 Publicado em USA USA

It has been two weeks since I submitted a ticket to the admins about not being able to log in to the Welcoming Committee and the admins are "still analyzing"

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USWP Official Candidate List

12 Dia 674, 13:20 Publicado em USA USA

NOTE: There is a serious PTO effort against our allies that you should consider helping with. But since elections here will continue as … ler mais »

Bye Russia!

6 Dia 674, 12:06 Publicado em USA USA

With the USA winning in New Jersey, Russia no longer has control of any USA territories.

This is a great day for America, but the war isn't over yet. Russia will

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Adios Colombia

7 Dia 670, 17:14 Publicado em USA USA

With the USA getting back Texas and New Mexico via resistance wars, Colombia no longer has any original USA regions.

Hopefully they've learned their lesson -- there's nothing in in it … ler mais »