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A newspaper with no schedule or particular topic

Dan Moir for East of England Congress

4 Dia 881, 05:14 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

See my online manifesto here!

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[TUP] Dan Moir for PP - A Manifesto

21 Dia 873, 11:39 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

That’s right. I’m running for TUP Party President on 15th April.

I’ve been a member of The Unity Party since the moment I was able to join, many months ago. Since then I have been a

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What is this congress stuff all about then?

20 Dia 853, 03:13 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

You may have noticed that every month, a multitude of articles appear and you begin receiving nice messages from people who'd like you to vote for them in the congress elections.


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Dan Moir for East Mids congress - Feb. 2010

7 Dia 825, 04:49 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

It’s certainly been an eventful month and I’m honoured to have once again represented the East Midlands as your congressman. I’ve been extremely active, spending many hours each day keeping up to date on everything that is going on. I’ve attended

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10 Dia 822, 14:33 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom


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