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The guy who never writes' Paper. Praise Dio


9 Dia 949, 21:49 Publicado em USA USA

This game kinda sucks at the moment and it's not entirely because of the game itself... somebody do something amazing.


edit: my face when I realized I'm probably part of teh cancer


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13 Dia 946, 09:40 Publicado em USA USA">

amirite? … ler mais »

Colorado I hate you

10 Dia 945, 13:10 Publicado em USA USA

Don't vote for me. Miller should never have merged with Coors, I hate you for that.

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My triumphant withdrawal

12 Dia 937, 19:39 Publicado em USA USA

Federalist Party members, you deserve a Party President who can dedicate his time to such a great party. Due to my busy schedule working in the White House as Chief of Staff, I am not that Party President this month, David Landon is. I was deluding

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So I just found this new animated gif...

4 Dia 936, 03:23 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom

Is it in bad taste publishing this the day after?">

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