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Highest Experience Point Member?

3 Dia 1,614, 22:02 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Here at the Gerald Herald (lame name...I know) I, Gerald "Greg" Smyth, often present useless information to you.

But, now I ask you a question.

Who is the highest level and who has the most experience points here on eRepublik?


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Eiresoc for Congress

0 Dia 1,614, 11:56 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Vote for the Irish Socialism (Eiresoc) Ticket!

Irish_Rebel_Reborn ([url=

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Election in Shannon

0 Dia 1,613, 16:58 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos


The Congressional election isn't far off. (I'll be posting a list of Eiresoc Members you should vote for closer to election time)

My current competition is the Irish Progressive Party's Boeffie13. A fair gentlemen. He's been around since

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Oh the places you'll go

5 Dia 1,613, 16:16 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Alright, as the Ukraine regains some stability, I feel my work there is done (for the time being).

Next on my list (which overlapped with the previous goal) is to win the Irish Congress election in Shannon. So if you live in Shannon, I'd suggest

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Join Eiresoc Today!

0 Dia 1,612, 20:27 Publicado em Ireland Ireland Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

If you are not yet a member of Irish Socialism, I'd suggest joining the party. It has some of the greatest influence here in the game. Especially if you're a new user.

Providing … ler mais »