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Vote For Patton

0 Dia 675, 12:28 Publicado em USA USA

Here's a link were you can show your support for me.

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Patton For Congress

1 Dia 675, 03:18 Publicado em USA USA

My name is George Patton, and I would like to serve you and the country in Congress. I will be as dedicated as any other person you could find. As the representative of Oklahoma, I pledge to do my job, and do it well. I will work for the betterment

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Will The US Stoop To PEACE's Level?

7 Dia 674, 13:02 Publicado em USA USA

First Off

Lets all give thanks to the great minds that have kicked PEACE out of our homeland, and returned all the states back to American hands. Great job guys!

Will PEACE Tyranny Be Followed By US Tyranny[/ler mais »

Patton For Oklahoma's Congress Seat

0 Dia 673, 13:08 Publicado em USA USA

My name is George Patton, and I would like to serve you and the country in Congress. I will be as dedicated as any other person you could find.

As the representative of Oklahoma, I pledge to do my job, and do it well. I will work for the

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If I Was French I Would Hate Myself.

7 Dia 671, 16:14 Publicado em USA USA

What are the three shortest books ever written?
Black Hockey Players, Jewish Sport Stars, and French War Heros.

Hear this frenchy. You should just put down your arms and go back to eating cheese, and drinking wine. We all know you are just a

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