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This is ''The Fighting Independent'', one of switzerland's oldest+coolest newspapers. it was founded on day 2050, and it delivers quality/funny/wild news ever since!

swiss news: even more endorse!!!

8 Dia 5,268, 04:41 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

endorse endorse endorse!!!

feel free to discuss your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below, thank you.


our chat links shall be listed

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swiss news: spring break 2022+endorse!!!

23 Dia 5,266, 00:59 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

As we did last year, we have the spring break event back in the game!
and thats fantastic, because it has many missions, many cool rewards and a shiny new medal!

a welcome change from our usual

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swiss news: some suggestions for erepublik.

25 Dia 5,232, 17:30 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

As stated recently in my previous article,

its painfully obvious that this game needs some changes in it, to make

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swiss news: unfairly hard quests and events.

26 Dia 5,228, 14:32 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

Almost one month ago, we have the official valentines day event for 2022, and everyone was happy.

but what unfolded after the initial enthusiasm, wasnt joy, but an immense disappointment.


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swiss news: peace is necessary.

6 Dia 5,213, 13:24 Publicado em Switzerland Switzerland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dear swiss people and friends, hello.

Usually, i refrain from posting anything about irl politics and recent events, because we come in this game to have fun, and not to dwell in angry, hateful political discussions...

But for this article,

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