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Ur Newspaper for Daily Dose of E republic News

Bill for Reduction Of Import Tax on Weapons

12 Dia 2,603, 03:03 Publicado em India India Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

i am not proposing rogue proposal i was trying & testing how much import tax on weapon can be deduced to benefit eindians so that they import good weapons from other country. it will help in rw in against acummulators of eindia.. especially 1 % … ler mais »

Democratic Party & E india's Political Partys

4 Dia 2,603, 01:54 Publicado em India India Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Democratic Party &Wood Rocket party is back & running & it is fast growing & a sign of Danger for Other Parties. DP'S general secretary is nominated for PP election. it has garnered lot of young eindian members. Despite DP & its members … ler mais »

Clearing the Air abt Congress Thread Outburst

21 Dia 2,600, 05:29 Publicado em India India Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Clearing Air About Congress Thread Outburst.

i was frustrated by constant bil being not passed after doing lot of research & some were good & 1 such bill was reduction of vat on defence which i was going to pass another bill … ler mais »

Emergence of Democratic Party & Snubbing of IF

13 Dia 2,599, 23:23 Publicado em India India Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

India First need to do something abt urgently & immediately attracting new members .DP is back & attracting lot of newbies member of YI. we are still deciding tactics for attracting new members.

Partnership againts Yi with Dp is

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injustice by noobs (realty of eindia)

17 Dia 2,594, 07:17 Publicado em India India Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

they decide who are experienced who is not. they give preference to old & friend in congress election .when i atlast won i knew all rules & basic still questions of how much basic & i know they critise ananthkrishan despite being playing game for

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